September 16, 2018 Kalaloch Beach

Kalaloch Campground Olympic National Park Forks, Washington

Mileage:  50,005

Still raining this morning…autumn in the northwest!

The town of Forks is the setting for the Twilight Series.  There are tours and posters and bookstores all devoted to the theme. We stopped there for coffee.  As I stood in line the sun shone between the clouds and I saw a double rainbow.  The picture captured only 1.  From that point on the day just got better and better!

It was a short distance to Kalaloch Beach.  We arrived early in the day, just as other campers were leaving.   It is a good thing too…this is one very busy and popular place.  Our campsite overlooks the ocean.

We packed a lunch and walked the beach.  What a pleasure to walk on this wide expanse of sand!

There were lots of pieces of sand dollars and then, a few whole ones.  Instead of collecting them and crushing them, I just took pictures and left them for someone else to enjoy.

We walked about a mile and a half to the north before the beach became impassable at these rocks.

This pile of shells was from a birdy crab feast!

A sea otter feeding in the surf.

All afternoon I sat with a book alternately reading and watching the waves roll in.

The sunset was glorious!