Mileage: 69,182
Rancho Sonora RV Resort Florence, Arizona
I am not going to lie. It was a little creepy and unsettling to go to bed last night after seeing the tarantula on our campsite. It didn’t help that Tim decided to play “Itsy Bitsy Spider” on my arm just as I was falling asleep! Honestly though, I loved seeing the big hairy spider and being close enough to get good pictures. I never felt threatened or scared…it was just too cool. I really enjoy seeing plants and birds and insect and animals where they really live.
Another beautiful day for a ride.

The Bluebird Copper Mine

We are not really on any schedule…but we have been using Sunday as a kind of respite day. We traveled a short distance south to the town of Florence. We found a really sweet RV resort, quiet and lovely.

Tim watched NASCAR and his driver, Denny Hamlin, won the race. I went to do laundry and while I was waiting to transfer clothes from the washer to the dryer, I sat by the pool.
We went for a ride this afternoon to check out the town. On a Sunday afternoon there was nothing open and no one around. We drove to the next town to the Safeway.
We took a different road back…through farmland. The cotton is almost ready to pick.

Tim found a new beer…Wet Snout Peanut Butter Stout. He and David are always trying to get me to taste beer. This beer did taste a little like peanut butter…which helped only a little…because it still tasted like BEER!!!

We ate our dinner outside and took a walk. It was a nice and relaxing day.