I woke up at 3 AM to use the bathroom and just as I was walking back to bed, I saw my phone flash with a message. Kyle and Allison were on the plane!
We spent the day getting a few last minute things, cleaning, and preparing dinner for this evening. We were waiting to leave for the airport. We were both very excited! Finally, it was time to leave.
We took the toll road to the airport, avoiding all the Cabo San Lucas traffic/chaos!
By 3:45 we had our passengers and we were on our way.
We enjoyed our dinner on the beach. Grilled shrimp, fresh papaya, homemade potato salad, and fresh pesto Parmesan bread from the organic food market.
We stayed to watch the sunset and by that time, the kids were pretty tired. Even as we were leaving the sky continued to change…such a beautiful evening!
I woke up and it was still dark. I was serenaded by a flock of doves, rousing me from sleep. It is so peaceful and quiet here. Even though we are some distance from the beach, we can hear the waves. I could here songbirds greeting the morning and I watched them flit about. The almost full moon was still bright in the inky sky. What a pleasant way to wake up and face a new day!!!
Once we had laundry started, we went to town. Our first stop was for Frutas y Verduras.
We walked through the streets and got some jugo de melon from this street vendor. It was a cold, sweet and delicious; a combination of watermelon, cantaloupe, and papaya juices.
The Todos Santos Parque.
We tried to find the fish guy selling shrimp in the back of his pickup truck but he was not in town today. Someone gave us directions to Mr. Tuna and we were able to get some nice shrimp from there.
We went and got our water container filled at the agua purification store.
I spent the afternoon cooking dinner for tomorrow.
We sat on the beach for a short time this evening.
Kyle and Allison are supposed to arrive tomorrow. I’m not sure that I will post everyday while they are here…I really want to enjoy our time together…but I will get caught up eventually!
Our outing today was to the beach at kilometer marker 92. Again, we had this beautiful stretch of beach all to ourselves…which turned out to be a very lucky thing.
The first thing we noticed was how much the beach had changed since our last visit on February 8th.
February 8, 2020
The surf and the waves had carved out giant amounts of sand and re-sculpted the shore, most dramatically around the rocks.
March 11, 2020
Today, the enormous waves were crashing violently. The surf was very rough as we quickly discovered when we got too close to the water’s edge. I was standing at the edge of where the water had been lapping on the sand…the next instant…I was on my butt up to my waist in ocean water with my pockets full of sand!!! Tim was also wet. We took off some of our clothes and Tim lit a small fire and crafted a makeshift clothesline to get things dry!!
I am quite sure we will remember this day!
We saw a few whales, one grey whale was particularly close.
Adventure is not always smooth…but we wouldn’t trade this adventure we are living in for sitting on our couch!!
We started slowly this morning. My mother had her surgery today and I wanted to stay around until I heard from my sister. Thankfully…all is well. Mom is home and resting.
While I was anxiously waiting, I cleaned…the fridge, the dishes, the cupboard…just trying to stay busy!!
so last night when we were out in the beach enjoying the sunset and our fresh guacamole, Tim broke his front tooth. We were undecided about seeing a dentist here. The kids are coming in a couple of days and we don’t want to interfere with their visit. Tim decided this morning that we would wait until we get to Arizona.
I still love him…but he’s going to have to get that fixed!!!
We did pack our cooler and we went for a Jeep ride. We took the sandy road to Sierra La Laguna National Park. It was a nice ride into the mountains. It was a cloudy day but the scenery was still very pretty. We passed several modest dwellings and humble homes and lots of small ranchos. There was a lot of cattle today. It seemed that there were more mothers with calves. At one point, we were at an absolute standstill because of the cattle laying in the road. Number 9964 did NOT want to move. We found our way around her through the brush. I forgot to take a picture…I was watching the cows!
We stopped for lunch in an arroyo.
We sat at the beach bar for a drink, watching the surfers. Some were catching really good waves. We saw a whale or two as well.
Tim took the Jeep to the car-wash later this afternoon. We had run through a fair amount of dung and the car was gathering manure in the undercarriage and starting to smell like farm animals! When he got back, I cleaned the inside.
Today was moving day again. We traveled across the two mountain passes from Los Barriles to Todos Santos. We stopped in the town of El Triunfo at the same roadside stand where we had such a good meal the other day. Today, the cook fixed us eggs with poblano peppers and onions and machaca and frijoles and fresh tortillas. It was a wonderful brunch!
We arrived in Pescadero around noon. We got settled and rested for a while. We packed fresh guacamole and fresh papaya for our dinner. We stayed on the beach from 4 – 6:30. We watched grey whales.
We watched the powerful surf as the tide turned from low tide and started barreling in. The powerful crash of the enormous waves sounded like cannons blasting. The ocean was calm so that we could see the pull of the water, drawing strength and cascading into giant curls. The Pacific side is much rawer and wilder than the calmer Sea of Cortez.
We watched the changing light. It was so cloudy that we were not sure that we would see much of a sunset.
All at once, the sun slipped through the clouds casting fiery pink light on the whole world. It was glowing and wondrous to see. The sunset was showy and dramatic…and so lovely.
Day 7 Playa Norte RV Park Los Barriles BCS, Mexico
We took our morning walk and the cows were actually between us and the water.
We watched as an excavator made its way to the water’s edge and carved a boat ramp into the surf. A tractor and the excavator worked together to bring the boat in and position it onto the trailer. This would never happen at home!!
It was another grey and cloudy day. We spent our day today getting the laundry done, the RV clean, and doing some grocery shopping. We have company coming!!! Tomorrow we will move to Todos Santos and on Friday we will get Kyle and Allison from the airport.
With our chores done, we went back to Triny’s for dinner. Today was Brian’s birthday so we brought back a birthday treat for him! We enjoyed a nice visit this evening with Brian and Carol. We hope to see them later in the week in Todos Santos.
Day 6 Playa Norte RV Park Los Barriles BCS, Mexico
After our walk this morning, we went to the Los Barriles Community Market to shop. Today we found avocadoes, potatoes, brussel sprouts, and Tim found lunch! We had chicken quesadillas. The tortillas were blue corn and handmade right there at the market….fresh for us!
We went with our lunch to the lighthouse beach. It was cloudy and a little windy but the wind was warm. We sat just reading, napping, and relaxing.
When we got back to the RV, the sky and water were both grey…and it stayed that way all day. You could scarcely tell where the water ended and the sky began. The water in the Sea of Cortez was completely calm with no wind whatsoever…completely different that it has been on any other day.
Day 5 Playa Norte RV Park Los Barriles BCS, Mexico
Each day at dawn, the mourning
doves are cooing, urging us to get out of bed and begin the day. Our walk this morning.
Each day, people from the campground leave fruit peels and bits and pieces on this concrete pad. The cows, goats, birds, and other animals come here for treats!
Today the clouds were heavy and grey. We went first to get water from the water purification store. After fueling the Jeep, we went west on Route 1 though San Bartolo and into San Antonio. The view from the overlook.
We drove through the small town square.
We continued on the winding
road to El Triunfo. This is a very old
historic town. Some of the buildings are
from the 1700’s. There is an abundance
of beautiful and unique masonry.
There are two chimneys in the town. The smaller one La Julia, is older, built in 1860. It was used for smelting silver that was mined here.
When people became aware of the polluting effects of the shorter tower, they built the second chimney, La Ramona in the 1890’s. This is one of the few industrial chimneys from the 1800’s that still stands. A lot of effort has been made to preserve it.
We wandered through the side
streets. We bought sweet empanadas from
a small street stand. We found fresh
French Country bread that smelled like heaven…we bought that too!
We were looking for our lunch
spot and found this small palapa restaurant.
The food was cooked on this brick stove/oven. The woman walked us into her kitchen to show
us our choices. She made us quesadillas
with machaca and frijoles. They were the
most delicious quesadillas we have ever had.
There was a small ice cream
stand and Tim needed to stop there as well.
He had frozen yogurt with bananas and he was extraordinarily happy!
This evening we went into town to see the movie 1917. It was shown in La Laguna Parque. We brought our chairs. The weather was mild and pleasant. The movie was intense and fast paced and the evening was quickly over. We drove back through town to the RV Park at 9:30 and the streets and shops were quiet and closed.
Day 4 Playa Norte RV Park Los Barriles BCS, Mexico
Morning walk.
Today we took the paved road north along the coast. We went back to the beach where we had met the family from Alaska. They were not out on the beach today. Tim had chosen some markers and a notebook for the children…we left them on the steps of their trailer with a note.
It was another glorious day. I spent the day walking, reading and sitting in the sun…some of my favorite things!!!
This frigate bird was just coasting on the wind current. They are so graceful in flight. They spend the majority of the day flying and roost only at night.
We took the sandy/gravel road back along the coast…just wonderful!
Day 3 Playa Norte RV Park Los Barriles BCS, Mexico
With the cooler packed, we went south below the La Ribera Beach. We found another long beautiful isolated stretch of sand. I took a long stroll gathering shells for the grandchildren as a walked. Tim walked after I got back. We had our lunch and the longer we stayed, the more blustery it became. We sat behind the Jeep, out of the wind.
We went to the produce market on our way back home, gathering some fresh fruits and vegetables.
This afternoon at 3:30 I had a hair appointment in town at Salon Blue. Tim asked me if I was nervous??? It’s only hair…right??? Heather, the stylist, was from Colorado. She was an experienced stylist who did a great job. She even blow-dried my hair into a flip…so cute!! The doors to the salon were open…the flies were inside…the dog came from the sidewalk into the salon and licked my toes first and then my hands as I was having my hair shampooed…welcome to Baja!!!
When I got back to the RV, Tim’s first comment was”Your hair is green!” Haha!
He took me to dinner at Triny’s Compestre Restaurant. I had the best chicken enchiladas there…the margaritas were also quite tasty!
Going to a new stylist…definitely outside my comfort zone!