Oyster Shell Wash

725 February 9-10, 2022 Oyster Shell Wash

On Wednesday, we finished our morning exercise and prepared for our last Borrego Springs overnight adventure.  We drove to Fish Creek Wash and did a little exploring.

The very best campsite was at the end of Oyster Shell Wash.  There was a sweet little canyon at the end of the trail.  Before getting set up, we took a hike.

The walls on either side were high.  We walked about a half mile and could see the canyon continued to wrap around.

We returned to camp and got organized.  When we finally settled, the first thing I noticed was the silence and I began to relax.

We had a simple dinner of hummus and raw vegetables and smoked salmon with whole grain crackers.

We were listening to Pandora.  Every time we have been out, we have heard the Eagles song, Peaceful Easy Feeling.  It describes precisely how we feel out there.  One year ago, we purchased this roof top tent.  In that time, we have absolutely enjoyed the opportunity to sleep in some beautiful, remote, and special places.

The moon was more than half full and very bright, causing the canyon walls and the white sand to glow. 

We returned to the RV on Thursday with messy hair, smelling of campfire smoke, in desperate need of showers, and with happy hearts. 

The Show (Blog) Must Go On

724 February 8, 2022 The Show (Blog) Must Go On

A great morning walk back into the state park.  Ever since I saw the herd of rams on Sunday, I have been a little obsessed.  I would really love to see the ewes and babies.  It is lambing season and mamas have been spotted by the rangers.  No luck today but I got 4.25 miles done.

Today was about trying to solve problems.  I have more than 14,000 pictures on my phone and it is near its limit in terms of storage.  I started to use Google Photos but using the campground WIFI is painfully slow.  I went to the community library and sat for several hours and I was able to download almost three thousand pictures in that time.  I may go back to the library but until then, I will just stay plugged in and get as much done in the RV as I am able.

We were also at the end of our storage capabilities on our blog site.  I spent lots of time later this afternoon on the phone with Bluehost and Word Press trying to ascertain the best solution.  In the end, it cost me $37.00 to upgrade to unlimited images…why it took so many phone calls, remains a mystery, but we are hopeful that this is the best resolution.

We finished making plans and reservations for the next several weeks and we are excited about our upcoming travel.

We went back to Red Ocotillo for delicious salads.

Tomorrow evening we are taking one last overnight trip into the desert.

Palm Canyon Trail

723 February 7, 2022 Palm Canyon Trail

Happy Birthday Lois!

This morning we did something different. We decided to hike the Palm Canyon Trail. We drove into the State Park and started on the main route. We were hoping to see bighorn sheep today and we were immediately rewarded with the sighting of a ram.

We watched him pick his way across the rocks and then quickly, he made his way all the way to the ridge. It was amazing to watch him move with such grace, agility, and surefootedness.

We hiked through a dry streambed and then along a burbling creek, crossing the water and then all the way to the palm oasis.

This area was inhabited by Cahuilla Indians for centuries and there is evidence of their presence, morteros and metates, holes in the rocks that were used to grind seeds.

The charred palms at the end are part of “First Grove.” These trees were burned in January of 2020 by a human caused fire. The tree skirts and palm fronds were damaged, leaving tall smoking sticks. Fortunately, the trees all survived. The area is closed to hikers to allow the habitat to recover. This is a special place and we tried to take our time and appreciate the beauty of our surroundings.

We hiked the Alternate Trail back to the Jeep. This portion of the trail was technically more difficult but not too hard. The Main Trail had a steady flow of other hikers…here we were able to enjoy the peace and stillness.

We spent a quiet afternoon.

This evening, we packed turkey taco salads with pinto beans and corn and went back to the state park for a picnic.

Bighorn Sheep

722 February 6, 2022 Bighorn Sheep

The highlight of my day happened early this morning. I was feeling really strong and decided to take a good walk. My goal was to walk through the state park all the way to the Palm Canyon Trialhead. I had gone a little more than 2 miles when I met a woman who was resting in her hammock on a campsite. She had just climbed the Panoramic Trail and she said there were bighorn sheep just a little further ahead. There was a herd of 6 rams. I heard rocks clattering and saw another ram working his way down the steep slope to join the others.

This guy actually laid down right along the roadside.

We have seen bighorns before, always at a distance. These animals were beautiful and muscular and powerful looking.

I spent the morning afternoon working on a project and then we watched the NASCAR Clash at the Coliseum. It is more fun to watch when your driver wins!

Making Plans

721 February 4-5, 2022 Making Plans

Friday is Farmers Market day. I walked into town and Tim met me there. We got our usual 2 croissants, some oranges and berries and avocadoes.

We had planned to hike in the afternoon but Tim met a guy here in the campground. The two men started to talk about the California coast. When Tim came in, I saw him looking at maps and his phone. “Instead of going back to Death Valley after we leave Borrego Springs…how about going back to see more of the coast?” Yes, yes yes!! We spent the next couple of hours researching, making plans, looking for campground availability and then making reservations…the time passed so quickly!

I happened to glance out the window and I saw this coyote cutting across the parking lot. He started to run when some lady started waving her arms and yelling at it.

I went for another 1.5 mile walk in the early evening just to get up and move after so much sitting and planning.

We ate those yummy croissants with eggs and berries.

Saturday morning it was 37 degrees when we got up. When I did go out for my walk, the sun was shining and I was plenty warm. I stopped at the post office and the at the grocery to get bananas.

We took a ten-mile bike ride this afternoon.

We packed spicy mushroom and garlic tamales, sauteed asparagus, and berries and took them to the communtiy park. We did a lap around the park after our meal.

Cycling In Borrego Springs

721 February 3, 2022 Cycling In Borrego Springs

This morning I walked 3 ½ miles through the state park.  There was a woman there painting the scenery.  What a beautiful place to find inspiration!

This afternoon, we cycled from the circle in town along Henderson Canyon Road and all the way to the outskirts on Peg Leg Road and then made a loop back.  We rode almost 15 miles.  It was a little chilly but we had plenty of nice sunshine and we got some good work done! 

After our ride, we rested for the remainder of the day.  Apparently, we had had enough adventure!

Back To Borrego Springs

720 February 2, 2022 Back To Borrego Springs

I went back to the harbor to take my morning walk with the intention of heading down the beach toward the town. 

As I was walking on the docks, I heard sea lions calling to me from across the water. I changed course and went to find them.  This was more than likely a group of males.  They don’t mind hanging out together during the winter and they like marinas.

We spent the morning shopping at Walmart and Sprouts to restock supplies and groceries that we aren’t able to get in Borrego Springs.  As we left the grocery store, the cashier asked where I was from.  I told her that we had come from Borrego Springs to shop.  She said “The road back to Borrego Springs is so pretty, make sure you enjoy the ride!”  I told her that we would…that we do.  She replied “So many people don’t!”

We left Oceanside and took the scenic ride home, Route 76E, another road that we have never been on before!  There is only one way to get back and that involves traveling over the mountains. 

The views were gorgeous. 

We were surprised at the amount of agriculture we encountered.  There were orange and lemon groves, avocado orchards, palm farms, and flower and plant nurseries.  The valleys were green and there was a river that ran parallel to the highway for much of the way.

We tried to visit the Wilderness Gardens Preserve but they are closed on Wednesdays.  We did have our lunch outside the gate.

We tried to stop at the Cleveland National Forest Picnic Area but it was closed for maintenance today.  We tried to go to Lake Henshaw and it was also closed.

After about 2 hours of driving, the landscape became scruffy and rocky and we were back in the desert. 

It took us about an hour to unload and unpack and then we had a restful evening. We really enjoyed our coastal adventure. There is still a lot of the California coast that we have not seen and that will have to be a future trip!

California Coast

719 February 1, 2022 California Coast

I was looking forward to a walk on the beach this morning. I got to the access stairs and saw that it was high tide, the waves coming all the way in to the bluffs. The beach was imapssable. I did stand for a long time taking it in…watching the waves and the pelicans.

I had a great alternative walking path, the Solana Beach Coastal Rail Trail was right across the street from the hotel.

I crossed the pedestrian bridge. The surface was studded with tiny bits of red and orange and yellow galss. the bridge led to a high end designer shopping district and so I turned around and walked back toward the hotel.

I found Fletcher Cove Park.

We left Solana Beach and headed north, stopping first at Cardiff By the Sea. The surfers were out in force today.

We also saw whales along the horizon, pelican diving among the surfers, and some small shorebirds.

We took our time exploring the beaches along our way.

I have never seen squirrels on the beach before. This pair seemed to be very comfortable near people.

We passed through Carlsbad, a town with tons of shops and restaurants.

In Oceanside, we found a gem, Beach Hut Deli. We got delicious salads and took them to the beach.

After lunch, we walked on the pier.

This woman was feeding pigeons and sitting still with her hand outstretched, waiting for a bird to take food from her.

We got to the hotel and our room was not yet available. We (Tim) accidentally locked the keys in the car and Nicholas came to rescue us. By then, we were able to go upstairs and rest.

This evening, we ventured out to the Oceanside Harbor. We walked from the hotel and toward the beach.

We would not have noticed this sea lion swimming in the marina, but he barked at us and this caught our attention!

We chose Oceanside Broilers for our dinner. We both had soup and then orange coconut crusted salmon…so yummy…I may have to attempt to recreate it!

This quote was etched into the concrete on the pedestrian bridge in Del Mar.

Del Mar, California

718 January 31, 2022 Del Mar, California

After our morning exercises were complete, we packed the Jeep and drove away from Borrego Springs. 

We drove back up and over the mountains and west. 

We stopped for a breakfast break in Ramona.  This is a neat little town that we could have explored further, but today, we had other plans.

We traveled through horse and vineyard country and toward the coast. 

After being ensconced in the desert, the opulence and busyness of the coast was almost an assault on our senses…sensory overload!  Lots of beautiful mansions perched among the rocks and hills.  Lots of greenery and landscaping.  Lots of wealth.

After some quiet time, we walked down to the water’s edge.  The chilly moist air and the smell of the ocean were refreshing and rejuvenating.  Oh, how I love the beach!   

We found ourselves walking on a dog beach…pure unadulterated joy! 

We walked as far as the San Dieguito Lagoon; a river outlet to the sea.

We walked back along the highway, making our way through this beautiful garden, a tribute to “All Dogs.” 

Before going to dinner, we stopped at the Solana Beach CVS. We had called ahead and our prescription was ready. Using this national chain while we have been traveling has been so convenient. Unfortunately, there isn’t a CVS in Borrego Springs…hence the reason for this trip!

We had seen a seafood restaurant, Brigadine, earlier in the day. We returned there this evening and had an excellent meal.

Tomrrow we will go north, further up the coast and see what we see!

Quiet Weekend

717 January 29-30, 2022 Quiet Weekend

Saturday, another great walk in the state park. The time passed quickly as I chatted with Kyle and Allison and my mom.

Tim and I took our bikes into the circle and went for a great 8-mile ride.

We took a break at the Indian head sculpture.

The turtles are one of my favorites.

We also stopped at the Borrego Valley Hawkwatch. We walked the short distance to the benches and waited and watched. No hawks today…but gorgeous views of the mountains all around.

It was really cloudy today and it looked like the mountains were holding the weather back.

We actually had a few sprinkles for about a minute late in the afternoon.

I cooked salmon on the grill, watching the sky.

Sunday morning was a beautiful morning to be in Borrego Springs! I saw this tree filled with doves. I am not certain if they are mourning doves or white winged doves. They coo every morning here in the campground. It’s a lovely soothing song.

I saw a club of about 30 4WD pickup trucks all modified and with big, noisy engines…lots of testosterone right there!

I felt really good and walked 4.5 miles. I did take a break in this courtayrd by a fountain while I talked with my mom.

I also saw a cycling club biking through.

The rest of the day we spent quietly. Tim biked for awhile this afternoon and watched NFL playoff games. I cleaned and did laundry. We both packed suitcases. Tomorrow we are going on a field trip to the coast. We are leaving the RV in Borrego Springs and will spend a night in a hotel in Solana Beach and then a second night in Oceanside. We are excited to go. We have not seen this part of the California coast and we are looking forward to seeing something different!