Montana De Oro

734 February 23, 2022 Montana De Oro

What an absolute pleasure to go out the door and onto the beach for a morning walk!

We asked the camp host yesterday what we should see while we are in Morro Bay. He suggested that we drive to Montana De Oro and hike. He said that this state park is a well kept secret and that the hiking there and the scenery was unbelievably beautiful.

A look back at Morro Bay.

We drove the short distance to the park through a forest area. Workmen were clearing all the brush from the forest floor; we think as a fire retardant method.

We hiked the Hazard Peak Trail first. The ocean views were breathtaking.

We drove further to the Badger Trail and hiked the Bluff Trail…spectacular! I could take 1,000 pictures and they would still not capture the magic of this place…come and see!

We have said that California is very different. We have noticed that there is NO trash…not along the roadsides and NONE on the beach…it really makes a big difference! There is a charge at every store if you need a bag. There is an extra charge for everything you buy that comes in a plastic bottle. There is an abundance of solar panels and wind farms. Californians are very proud of this place and it shows! We have a neighbor here in the campground who is traveling with a goat. This evening, we saw a man pushing a baby stroller with a large black and white rabbit in it. Only in California!

This evening we drove to town for dinner. We ate at Dutchman’s Seafood House. We both chose something we have never had. Tim enjoyed sand dabs, mild white fish in a piccata sauce. I ordered the cioppino, a San Fransisco favorite, that features a savory tomato broth filled with calamari, shrimp, clams, mussels, fish, and crabmeat. We talked about how we are working to step outside the box…or outside our comfort zones to have new experiences. Tim really doesn’t like the idea of a box or barrier of any kind. We do always want to be open to trying new things!

Morro Strand State Park

733 February 22, 2022 Morro Strand State Park

One last set of laps at the showgrounds in Santa Barbara and then we took off, north on 101 or the Historic Camino Real.  We traveled up and over hills and mountains.  We occasionally had a glimpse of the coast; the road runs parallel to the shore. This ride took us mostly inland on another scenic route.

The forecast was for winter weather with temperatures in the 50’s.  There were wind warnings with gusts from 35-45.  There was also a chance of rain.  When we left Santa Barbara, the sky was vividly blue, with a slight breeze.  We found sections of stronger wind as we drove.  There were low hanging clouds on the peaks that gradually became dense and grey.

Can you spot the rainbow in these clouds?

We had light rain intermittently.  California desperately needs rain.

We followed the gently rolling road through a landscape of verdant green hills, gnarly trees, Bared rock, and white fenced ranches.

We passed miles of well-tended vineyards…more than I have ever seen in one place.

We also passed acres upon acres of strawberry fields.  Workers were harvesting the bright red berries.

At Santa Maria, the sky was bright.

When we got to Morro Strand State Park Campground, we had a pleasant surprise.  Our campsite (even without hookups) is the best site in the park.  We have a view of the ocean and a path to the beach. 

These little beach squirrels are EVERYWHERE!

This afternoon, we took a long walk on the beach.  We walked a mile and we were still a long way away from Morro Rock!  It was very windy and brisk.

There were hundreds of whole sand dollars scattered on the beach.

Later, we took the Jeep and drove to see Morro Rock.  This is a domed 573 foot, 23-million-year-old, volcanic plug.  We walked around the great rock.

Otters like the protected Morro Bay.  There were several moms with babies.  I took tons of pictures but otters are slippery and quick.  Moms float with babies on their bellies to nurse.

Serious surfers!

The view of Morro rock from the town.

Houses perched on the hillsides all wanting a view of the ocean. Windows across the front of every home.


Santa Barbara

732 February 20-21, 2022 Santa Barbara

Sunday was a chore day and a NASCAR day and a shopping day and a laze around day.

Both days, I did laps around the showground lot to get my steps in.

Today, we went back to Santa Barbara with our bikes.

We saw a bunch of black-crowned night herons in the parking lot.

We saw swimmers about 100 yards from shore. I was in awe of the strength and bravery that it takes to swim out there and they were fast!

We entered Shoreline Park…no bike riding here but the views were really pretty so we pushed our bikes, stopping frequently to look at the ocean.

There was a set of steps leading down to the beach.

We turned south and rode for a couple of miles until the bike path turned inland.

We rode onto the pier thinking we might have lunch there, but it was very busy. We took our bikes back to the Jeep and walked to the harbor. We ate lunch at Salty At The Beach and had our first poke bowl followed by excellent salads.

After lunch, we walked around the harbor. It was windy and chilly and invigorating and just what we needed after our meal.

We had a great day!


731 February 19, 2022 Jalama

I began my day with a walk in a new place. We are camping at Earl Warren Showgrounds in a parking lot. The perks are the full hookups, the excellent WIFI and the location…right here in Santa Barbara. I did laps around the premises.

Gorgeous woodpecker. His mate was on a nearby pole.

We packed a picnic lunch and took off in the Jeep to explore the coast. We drove north on Route 101. This is a scenic highway. As I watched the world go by, I wondered about the natural forces that conspired to create this wonderful wrinkled rumpled rugged terrain.

We started at Gaviota State Park. There is a road that follows the coast and we took it until it ended at a private cattle ranch. The ocean views were amazing.

The oil platforms were scarcely visible, the marine layer was still thick.

We found another beach on GPS and turned onto Jamala Road. We drove 14 curvy miles through the hills.

At last, we arrived at Jamala Beach County Park. We took a walk.

We had our lunch.

I drove on the way back, happy to let Tim enjoy the ride.

We stopped at a vista point and walked to the railroad bridge. The train runs right along the coast all the way from Santa Barbara.

They Were RIGHT!!

730 February 18, 2022 They Were RIGHT!!

I walked through Fillmore today; through the neighborhoods where everyone had a citrus tree and the air smelled like lemons and oranges.

The high school is highly rated.

The train station.

Tim did a something different this morning.  He was missing the fitness room.  Yesterday when we were walking through downtown, we found this gym.  We asked about a day pass.  Tim went this morning and used the workout equipment.

We made the short drive from Fillmore to Santa Barbara. 

This afternoon, we took the bikes to the Beach Way bike path.  What a pleasure to ride along the oceanside.

Frisbee football on the beach.

We rode down the Santa Barbara Pier.

Tim made a video as we stood at the end.  There was a guy playing guitar and it was really mellow and relaxing.

The harbor.

Several people told us that Santa Barbara is beautiful…they were RIGHT!! This is the quintessential California beach town!

We went back to the RV and had a quiet evening.

Giessinger Winery

729 February 17, 2022 Giessinger Winery

The moon last night was bright and gorgeous.  We stood outside looking before we went to bed.  It was already chilly and the temperatures dropped overnight into the 30’s.  We were warm and cozy inside and even though we had no hookups, we could run the propane furnace. 

The male ostriches had a very busy evening.  In order to attract females, the males make a booming noise; two short bursts followed by a longer burst.  Tim said it sounded like a 400-pound owl and indeed it did!  It was our observation that the girls and guys were all in a very amorous mood…love was definitely in the air!

In the morning, while I had my coffee, I sat watching the moon set, and the sun as it cast a reddish glow on the mountains.

I walked the property and along the backside of the ostrich pens.  The ostriches followed my every move.  I was looking for feathers to take to Oliver and Austin but the ostriches wouldn’t allow me to get close enough to gather them.  I had definitely learned to respect these animals!

We left the high desert and traveled through San Francisquito Canyon.  This was a winding, wiggle-waggle road with stunning scenery. 

We think that these huge pipelines carry water to the cities along the coast.

There were reminders about fire danger posted all along the roadside.  There are no campfires, wood fires, or charcoal fires allowed.  Camp stoves can only be used with a permit.  It is so dry.  The ostrich ranch owner was telling us about a fire that encroached on their ranch, reaching the highest ridges near their home.  A couple of the fenceposts caught fire but otherwise no harm came to their family or the birds.  He said it was the scariest night of his life. 

At last, we arrived in Heritage Valley.  This area is rife with avocado groves and citrus groves and lots of tree nurseries. 

We arrived at Giessinger Winery, another Harvest Host site, before lunchtime.  We wandered through historic downtown Fillmore.  This is a cute little town with a railroad theme. 

I love the smell of an old hardware store…the aromas of must and paint and oil and wood comingled.

Old truck of the day.

Our campsite sits parallel to the railroad tracks but the trains are inactive except for fun weekend tourist rides. 

We had a delightful afternoon, tasting wines with Shelby.  We tried a white, two reds, a cider, two dessert wines and two ports…it was ALL good!  We purchased 3 bottles.

There were some men sitting along the walking path.   They had no food.  Tim gathered some fruit and protein shakes and yogurt and took it outside to them.  We have so much to be grateful for…we need to help when we can.

Quail Run Ostrich Ranch

728 February 16, 2022 Quail Run Ostrich Ranch

We left Indio at around nine this morning.  We drove for a short distance on Route 10.  We saw huge wind farms and snow-covered mountains…gorgeous.

Then we took scenic roads all the way to our destination at Lake Hughes. 

At higher elevations, we began to see Joshua trees.

If you have never stayed at an ostrich ranch…you really should consider it!  This place was amazing. 

There is a large group or unkindness or conspiracy of ravens that live here.

The owner met us with some raw honey and he also brought us ostrich oil.  This oil comes from Africa.  It has lots of healing properties and is good for inflammation.  It is supposed to make your skin look and feel more youthful. 

We explored on our own for a while, marveling at these magnificent beasts.

Beautiful California Scrub Jay.

There are gigantic Coulter Pines here with enormous pine cones. These trees were tall 70 years ago. These trees are also called widowmakers. The cones are very heavy.

At 3pm, we had a tour of the ranch.  We learned A LOT about ostriches.  There are three breeds and two are raised here…black and blue.  Ostriches have not changed for 135 million years.  These animals are very powerful.  They can run at speeds up to 60mph and can sustain their speed for up to 15 miles.  They have incredibly strong immune systems and do not get sick.  They also heal very rapidly after injury.  They have no natural predators here.  They have killed a pack of 4 coyotes.  Mountain lions are no match for them…the lions are too small.  They are omnivores and will eat gophers, squirrels, lizards, rats and anything else that gets into their enclosures.  The ranch owners have seen an ostrich eat a live rattlesnake, all the while being continuously bitten.  They are impervious to the effects of snake venom.  In the wild, ostriches can live 40 years.  In captivity they can live 75 to 100 years.  Ostriches are not usually monogamous but there is a pair here, Morticia and Gomez, who will not tolerate other partners.  He is 44 years old.  The ranch owner is allowing the bird to nibble on his fingers.  They have no teeth and no bite strength…less than a third of the power of a duck…but don’t be fooled. 

Ostrich eggs weigh about 5 pounds and are the equivalent of 24-36 large chicken eggs. Chicken eggs are about 35% yolk and 65% white. Ostrich eggs are 65% yolk. They apparently don’t taste that great…and they were $50.00 each…we didn’t buy any. We also didn’t think we could eat that whole thing! Each female ostrich has their own “fingerprint” on their eggs. The owner can look at the striations and patterns on the egg and tell which were laid by which hen.

These ostriches can be bad dudes!   They have very strong legs and can kick with the force of 2000 pounds per inch.  They can outrun anything and anyone.  They will not allow visitors to their enclosure without becoming aggressive.  We were warned that if we went into the pens, we would be in serious trouble. 

The tour was great and the owners were gracious and hospitable.

This ranch sits along Pine Canyon Road right on the San Andreas Fault.  There is earthquake monitoring equipment on the hill above the ranch.

We found this site through Harvest Host.  What a unique experience to be able to come here and learn.

The February Full Snow Moon should just be rising soon and be directly overhead at midnight.   I am looking forward to seeing it and appreciating it!

Indio, California

727 February 14-15, 2022 Indio, California

On Monday morning, we completed our morning routines and then after filling with propane, we headed north to Indio.

We stopped for breakfast at a scenic turnout before we left the desert.

We drove along the Salton Sea.

In the Coachella Valley we passed date farms and crops and lots of green. 

We followed the highway through an industrial area.  Ahead of us, we could see snow covered peaks…it seemed crazy because it was 84 degrees in the valley.

Once we arrived in Indio, we worked to gather supplies.  I also spent a good deal of time getting a new phone, mine had died a week ago and we had to wait to get to a bigger town to replace it.

We had Chipotle salads for our Valentine dinner and then enjoyed an evening walk.  This is a very nice park.

On Tuesday, we had an appointment for service for the Jeep.  It didn’t take long and we hoped to be able to hike in the afternoon.  Unfortunately, the Santa Anna winds were blowing hard.  The forecast was for 25-35mph winds with occasional gusts greater than 70mph. It never got that crazy but it was windy and the air was very dusty.  At times, it was difficult to see the surrounding mountains.  Fortunately, we were not traveling today with our big wind sail.  These Santa Anna winds are REAL! We did walk in the campground and did a couple of errands.  The towns of Indio, La Quinta, and Palm Desert are beautiful with lush green lawns, colorful landscaping, golf courses, and shopping.  There are lots of residential communities with Mexican style, stucco homes with terracotta roofs…a retirement paradise!

Tim was able to connect with an old high school friend who lives in San Diego and he enjoyed talking with him on the phone.

We used the day to make appointments and get taxes signed and sent off. 

Bye Bye Borrego

726 February 11-13, 2022 Bye Bye Borrego

On Friday, we went to the Farmers Market.  I had walked to the circle and as I arrived, so did a group of powered parasailers; or guys flying with giant fans on their butts!  It was amazing to watch them all come in. 

We shopped for our usual croissants and fresh produce and tamales and dolmas and hummus and falafel…we sure are going to miss this!

We spent the weekend walking and biking and exercising and getting prepared and organized so that we can move on Monday.  We did laundry and cleaned and knocked down a layer of dust in the Jeep.  We scrubbed the grill and the bathroom and the floors. 

One last bike ride on this warm day, 84 degrees and sunny.  As we started our ride, we saw a man sitting in the shade next to a fully load bicycle. As we always do, we stopped to check on him and asked him if he needed water. This man has been cycling around the world for the past ten years.  He got a little waylaid by COVID and is here in Southern California waiting on the weather and then hopefully he can head back across the pond and continue his world travels…so brave and so adventurous!  Everything he owned was on his bike!

We are still finding roads that we haven’t yet explored.

We have really enjoyed our time here in Borrego Springs…the overnight excursions, the hiking, the beauty of the Anza-Borrego desert, the howling coyotes, the bighorn sheep, the outdoor restaurants, and the Palm Canyon Resort.  I am sure that we will find our way back someday. 

Tomorrow we will travel to Indio just a couple of hours north of here.  There we have a whole list of things to accomplish. 

We watched the Super Bowl this evening. There are a lot of LA fans around here!

Oyster Shell Wash

725 February 9-10, 2022 Oyster Shell Wash

On Wednesday, we finished our morning exercise and prepared for our last Borrego Springs overnight adventure.  We drove to Fish Creek Wash and did a little exploring.

The very best campsite was at the end of Oyster Shell Wash.  There was a sweet little canyon at the end of the trail.  Before getting set up, we took a hike.

The walls on either side were high.  We walked about a half mile and could see the canyon continued to wrap around.

We returned to camp and got organized.  When we finally settled, the first thing I noticed was the silence and I began to relax.

We had a simple dinner of hummus and raw vegetables and smoked salmon with whole grain crackers.

We were listening to Pandora.  Every time we have been out, we have heard the Eagles song, Peaceful Easy Feeling.  It describes precisely how we feel out there.  One year ago, we purchased this roof top tent.  In that time, we have absolutely enjoyed the opportunity to sleep in some beautiful, remote, and special places.

The moon was more than half full and very bright, causing the canyon walls and the white sand to glow. 

We returned to the RV on Thursday with messy hair, smelling of campfire smoke, in desperate need of showers, and with happy hearts.