862 November 28, 2022 Biking Shark Valley Again
We woke up to some very dense fog.

Early every morning, there are thousands of spider webs in the high grass and in the trees. Today, the webs were covered in dew and they were beautiful.

The shroud of fog began to lift as we drove to Shark Valley,

One of our very favorite places to bike will always be Shark Valley. We stayed nearby so that we could ride this loop one more time before heading north. We got up and packed our bike bags and we were at the gate at 8:30 when it opened.
My favorite part is the beginning. We always go clockwise when most other people start at the other end. This allows us to bike all by ourselves. It is so quiet and wild and I love this part of the ride.

We saw very few alligators. The temperatures are still very warm during the day with a forecasted high of 88 degrees today. The alligators don’t need to be laying on the banks to be warm enough. In fact, all of the gators we saw were submerged in water.

The swamp is still overflowing and we rode through several inches of water at some points.

There were very few birds. I believe that the water is still too deep for the wading birds. There were a bunch of crows.

And on purple gallinule.

Lovely swamp flowers.

Tim’s favorite part is the walk to the observation tower. The view that goes on forever…

Tim heard a splash as we cycled and spotted tiny alligator hatchlings. We could hear the babies chirping.

Mama knew we were there. Can you see her?

After finishing our ride, we drove all the way to Everglades City. The skies became dark and we had a few drops of rain.

We had a yummy lunch at City Seafood.

I spent hours this afternoon trying to find a place to store our RV while we are visiting with David in Atlanta. I was finally successful!
A frog this evening on our windshield.