892 February 4, 2023 Riding Around In The Desert
Another pleasant morning walk in the desert.

Our Jeep adventure today took us first to Jojoba Wash. Here we rode among the Volcanic Hills. The desert plants were almost lush; so verdant and dense. The road was sandy which made for a pleasurable journey. The scenery was outstanding.

We came upon a section where the trail lead into the wash. It was steep and lumpy. Tim got out to check and determined that we could make it. He had me act as spotter at the bottom of the hill. My job was to make sure the Jeep tires straddled the deepest portions. Tim and the Jeep did great! This new Jeep is bigger and does not have the same ground clearance that our little Jeep had. It will take some time to learn what it can do…until then we evaluate the rough spots.

It is so unusual to see puddles here in the desert.

We drove through the wash for a long while and then suddenly it dead ended. The area ahead was full of large boulders. We backtracked and found an egress road out and to the top. It’s fun figuring it out together.
We made our way out to S2 and then headed to Mortero Wash. The views were spectacular and there were lots of places that would make nice tent camping sites.
This was our lunch spot.

We drove to the railroad crossover.

I sat on a rock just taking it all in.

We could see a line of Jeeps coming from the other side of the tracks and we went to see. As we approached, we could remember coming here before, Piedras Grandes is a Native American Cultural Site. We drove past today but we plan to come back and tour the site again and camp overnight in the tent.
We got back to the RV tired and happy after having another fun day exploring.
We took a walk before dinner and then ate outside.
The moon was already up and full and gorgeous.