902 February 15, 2023 Palm Canyon Hike
It rained steadily for several hours last night
It was 38 degrees when I got up this morning. I could see frost on the car next door and decided to take my time getting outside. When I began my walk, I turned out of the campground and saw this sign.

It snowed up in the mountains surrounding us and the road called Montezuma’s Grade was closed. I saw a couple of cars with several inches of snow on top.

I walked the same path that Tim took yesterday, behind the campground and along the base of the mountains.

We drove to the trailhead for Palm Canyon. We have done this hike before. It is challenging but not too hard…so it is still fun. There were lots of rock steps and rock obstacles and some scrambling and scooting involved.

We walked across the big wash and could hear running water. This portion of the stream is usually dry.

There were water crossings and on the third, I got my shoes wet!

We hiked all the way to the palm grove at trail’s end.

This is a spectacular hike with expansive views all the way back to the valley below. This hike is special and every time that I have done it…it has made my heart feel full. I could hear the rushing water, it was a beautiful day; the kind just perfect for hiking. I was exerting myself and I felt good. I took a moment to close my eyes and feel grateful.

We took the alternate trail back instead of retracing our steps. This area is bighorn sheep territory. We had heard that there were three rams earlier in the day. We had almost completed our three-mile hike and we could see a group ahead of us taking pictures. We had such a wonderful experience watching two rams. First, we were with other people who were noisy and annoying. We walked ahead and found the rams again.

We watched this particular ram. He stood for a long time on a rock and we stood still and silent for 30 minutes. He apparently felt unthreatened and he moved closer and then closer again. He was on a boulder just 50 feet from us. Our hearts were pounding and Tim had goosebumps…it was amazing to set this animal at such close range.

He jumped down and scampered across the path to the other side.

He stood on another rock there not far from where another woman had stopped to watch.

He then made his way to the hillside where he was munching on mustard.

So cool…so absolutely cool!!
We were walking on tired legs and we were hungry. Tim suggested a late lunch at Red Ocotillo. W sat outside at a table in the sunshine. This little guy, a yellow-rumped warbler, was scrounging for crumbs on the patio.

What a fabulous day!