922 March 11, 2023 Watch Your Step
It is so nice and mild. I was able to sleep with my window open for most of the night.
I began the day with a great walk in the ecological preserve. I was talking with my mom on the phone as I do most mornings. I had just hung up and was attempting to start my audiobook. 18 inches in front of me on the trail was this…

I backed away, my adrenaline coursing, my heart pounding. I didn’t see a rattle. The 4-foot snake was not in any hurry to move along. I saw a parallel dirt path and walked as far away as I could, my eyes on the snake. He stayed still and I was safe. Later research indicates that he was probably a harmless gopher snake…shew!
What a beautiful day to be flying!

Every time we have stayed here at Mayflower, there has been a pair of nesting great horned owls. The tree that they nested in last year fell over in a storm this summer. Owls don’t build their own nests but usually take a nest abandoned by another larger bird or sometimes a squirrels’ nest. They like to stay in the crotch of a tree. There was a ravens’ nest in the large cottonwood tree on the edge of the campground. The ravens were occupying their nest when the owls decided that they needed it. Apparently, a battle ensued…the owls won. The mama owl has been sitting for almost a week. This morning I caught sight of her tailfeathers.

Today, I spent 1 hour and 23 minutes on the phone with DISH TV to restore our service. I needed them to send a signal to our box and the only way to get that done was to be patient until I could get help. They have had a serious cybersecurity attack and things are a huge mess!
Later, we took the Jeep to Midland-Vidal Road and drove into the desert…always looking for campsites.

We went to town for a few things.
This evening after dinner, I took another walk. The owl was situated facing out in her nest. She knew I was there and eyed me suspiciously.

This is the magnificent cottonwood where the owls live.

There was a vermillion flycatcher in the treetop.

Some pretty sky.