1002 August 4, 2023 Denali National Park
Today we took the Jeep and drove the 30 miles from Cantwell to Denali National Park. We spent some time in the Visitor Center.

Tim and I walked a trail through the woods.

We took the green transit bus into the park.

We saw caribou.

We passed the Savage River.

More gorgeous scenery.

The Sanctuary River.

More mountains.

We passed Teklanika River. This is where the bus stopped. Two years ago, the park road was closed beyond this point because of the deterioration and landslide along the road. The road is expected to be repaired by 2026.
We got off the bus and hiked in the riverbed.

All day, we had been hearing about the grizzlies in the park. We found evidence as we walked.

Kyle and Allison had sat down by one of the small sections of the river. Kyle had his shoes and socks off and had his feet in the river. They saw a caribou running toward them. It passed about 10 yards from them. What a sighting!

We could see the same animal far across the riverbed.

We got back on the bus and saw more pretty mountains.

We heard from the bus driver that there was a mama grizzly and three cubs up the road a piece. The bears were high, near the ridge. What a special thing to see!

We also go to see a moose. This female was alone, without a calf. Most calves don’t survive past the first year. It would be unusual for a healthy female not to give birth.

What a great trip! We got back to the Jeep and drove another 11 miles north to Healy. We had a delicious dinner at 49th State Brewing Company.

The bus is a replica of the shelter for Chris McCandless and sits on this property. Chris’ story is told in the book “Into the Wild.” If you haven’t read it, it is an incredible tale.

It was a very long day but we all had a good time and it was worth it!