Pretty Ride To Utah

April 1, 2021 Pretty Ride To Utah

Desert Canyons RV Park, Saint George, Utah

There are these great-tailed grackles in the campground.  They make the coolest bird noises!

Goodbye Las Vegas!

Today we traveled along 15 North, another scenic highway.  The scenery was interesting in Nevada.

It wasn’t until we got to Arizona that the scenery was spectacular!

The road looked like it was going to dead-end into this mountain.  There was a great crease cut away and the road descended steeply with gorgeous views.  We were in the Virgin River Gorge.  The road zigzagged along with the river.

We entered Utah and then it was just a couple of miles to our campground, again in a beautiful setting.

We went to the Public Lands Office in Saint George.  There we were able to get good maps for our overnight adventure.  We are going tomorrow to explore the Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument.  We hope to stay out two nights in the rooftop tent.  We will see how our day goes and what we find.  No blog posts until Sunday!

Got Baby Back

March 31, 2021 Got Baby Back

Oasis Las Vegas RV Resort Las, Vegas Nevada Day 4

Since we knew that we had all day and nowhere to go we took our time with our morning exercise. I was able to get more than 4 miles done.

Later in the morning, we took a great bike ride around the campground and through the neighborhood.

We spent the afternoon quietly, doing some more laundry and fixing things. We got a call at around 2. The Jeep was ready! We called for an Uber and went to 4 Wheel Parts. We got a new steering stabilizer, the stock arm was not sufficient for our setup. We also had the shocks replaced. The rear shocks had been leaking oil. The new rear shocks are gas and beefier. Now we are ready to try things out! If you go to the places we have been and you challenge your Jeep in the way we have, you have to expect to make repairs…but it is oh so worth it to us!

Tomorrow we are leaving and plan to go to Saint George, Utah. There is a Public Lands Office there where we hope to get good information so that we can go explore Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument.


March 30, 2021 Jeep SNAFU

Oasis Las Vegas RV Resort Las Vegas, Nevada

We were hoping to get the Jeep worked on yesterday but because parts were not in, we had to change our appointment to today. Tim drove to the 4 Wheel Parts store and then biked back to the campground. We spent the day reading, relaxing, riding bikes, walking, doing chores and working on a project. At 4, Tim called and we learned that they have to order another part. Work on the Jeep should be complete tomorrow. So, we wait! Nothing can be done to change things…so we extended our stay another day. Very good thing we have a flexible schedule!

Wash Day

March 29, 2021 Wash Day

Oasis Las Vegas RV Resort Las Vegas, Nevada Day 2

The best part of my day today was my morning walk.  I spoke to my mom for awhile and then to a good friend.  I was able to walk more than 4 miles and the time passed sooo quickly!

The rest of this day was devoted to laundry and cleaning and grocery shopping.  Sometimes we get so busy having a lot of fun that we don’t keep up like we should! 

Tim got to watch the NASCAR race and we had a mobile RV wash service clean the exterior.  The RV is clean inside and out and the towels and sheets are fresh and clean.  It was great to be productive!

Las Vegas

March 28, 2021 Las Vegas

Oasis Las Vegas RV Resort Las Vegas, Nevada

Our campsite last night was very quiet.  The sky was bright with moonlight, the stars faded into the blackness beyond.  I know that I could have gone for a walk down the lane without a flashlight!

A memorial along the lane.

We took our time driving back out to the main road, traveling at about 5mph.  This truck and trailer was loaded with cowboys replete with chaps and horses saddled and ready to ride.  Several men and horses got out a long distance behind us and then they passed us again and let out this last guy.  This is a free-range area for cattle.  The cowboys had lasso ropes on their saddles.  It might have been fun to watch them work!

The approach to Vegas from Route 93 is a spectacular ride.  The mountains are steep and gorgeous with deep canyons.  You can see Lake Mead off to the east and then the Colorado River snaking along to the west. 

We drove over the Pat Tilman Bridge at Hoover Dam.  The dam wasn’t visible from our vantage point but we could see the river below it.

The Vegas skyline from the highway.

We spent the afternoon resting and then we took a bike ride through the campground and in the surrounding area. After being submerged in the southwestern desert for the past three months, the aura of Las Vegas is almost a culture shock for us. The traffic, the congestion, the landscaping bright with flowers, the emerald green grass, the highrises, the fountains; all the things that make Vegas…Vegas! We won’t walk the strip with the throngs of people. We won’t gamble in the casinos. We won’t go see the shows. We are in Vegas to have the Jeep serviced…then we will move on.

We did go for a nighttime ride down the strip to look at all the lights. Lots of glitz, glamor, opulence, money, and shiny stuff!

Tonight is a full moon, a super moon, the worm moon. The Native Americans called it the worm moon because it is at this time of year that the earth begins to soften.

Out Of The Way Campsite

March 27, 2021 Out Of The Way Campsite

Jacobs Landing Ranch Campground Dolan Springs, Arizona

I was walking along the river this morning when I spotted a coyote on the road ahead.  It stared at me and then finally moved on down the road. 

We left Parker this morning and started to travel north toward Vegas. We didn’t want to go all the way there today so we tried to find a campsite above Kingman.  The first campground was closed because of COVID.  This place was also closed but the owner texted me and very graciously offered to let us stay even though there would be no amenities and no one else here.  The website looked great.   We drove for 3 miles on a gravel washboard road and then were in a quandary about exactly which way to go.  We called the guy again and got better directions.

We ended up on a plot in the middle of the desert.  The lot was neglected and unkept.    To be fair, this is their offseason.  The owners plan to return in April and get ready for a May opening.  It was plenty nice enough to rest.

We took a good walk this afternoon.

As the sun went down this evening, the moon was rising.  It is almost full.

We look forward to some stargazing later on.

Whipple Mountain Drive

March 26, 2021 Whipple Mountain Drive

Blue Water RV Park Parker, Arizona Day 5

Well, the wind persisted most of the night.  The tent once again proved itself to be sturdy, safe, and cozy. We are so glad we have a good quality tent!

We took our time this morning, enjoying the hot coffee and the nice warm fire.  There was NO wind and the sun was out.

We decided to take a Jeep trail on the way home.  This was a great decision.  The drive through the Whipple Mountains was gorgeous.  We basically followed a power line trail which normally is not anything special…but this was a great ride.

We stopped on a ridgeline for our breakfast.

This mountain does not look very formidable in this picture…you really cannot appreciate it unless you are face to face with it.

As we traveled, we began to see wild burros.  Burros were first introduced in the southwestern desert in the 1500’s. These burros thrive in a very forbidding environment. The steep, rocky slopes, the lack of vegetation, the long distances to travel for water. These burros are just trying to chew their way along and survive. We saw about 2 dozen through the course of the day. 

This pair was in the road and they ran along in front of us for a long distance before finding a place to get off. Enjoy our video.

We got back to the RV and we were tired.  We unpacked and cleaned everything.  We started laundry and then I went out to get groceries and run other errands.

I took a walk this evening.  I walked to the casino and around the parking area, making a huge loop.

After dinner, Tim and I walked down along the river at sunset.

Windy Canyon

March 25, 2021 Windy Canyon

Blue Water RV Park Parker, Arizona Day 4

The sky was overcast and the breeze was picking up.  I did my three miles and then started packing for another overnight tent camping trip.  We stopped at Safeway for our picnic food and programmed the GPS for Copper Basin Reservoir.

On our way, we passed over the Parker Hydroelectric Dam and passed from Arizona over the Colorado River into California.

The road we were to take to get to Copper Basin was marked as PRIVATE – NO TRESSPASSING and was gated and locked…guess we weren’t going to Copper Basin!  We took the road we were on to almost the end. 

We went off-road and up onto a ridge.  Here we had beautiful views.

We saw our first blooming beavertail cactus.

From up on the ridge, we could see a road in the wash below.  We backtracked and drove into the wash as far as we could.  We found ourselves in the mouth of a canyon.  We ate lunch and set out to explore.

We hiked into the canyon, scrambling down 2-4’ rock steps.  Yes, this is the trail.

We followed a burro trail when the vegetation became too dense.

The burro trail led us to the edge of Lake Havasu.

We hiked back and Tim set up the tent and climbed inside to nap. The view from inside the tent.

I spent a pleasant afternoon sitting behind the Jeep out of the wind and reading.

The forecast was for winds greater than 20mph until 7pm.  We were in the canyon and sheltered from the brunt of it but it was WINDY! 

Brittlebush from Tim.

Windy Day

March 24, 2021 Windy Day

Blue Water RV Park Parker, Arizona Day 3

When we got up in the middle of the night it was really cloudy. There was a smattering of stars and the moon appeared misshapen.

We slept well. We were surprised that there was NO wind. We enjoyed our coffee by the morning fire and took our time packing our gear.

We took a detour into this canyon…fun ride!

Breakfast spot.

The CAP or Central Arizona Project is a diversion canal that is more than 330 miles long. Water is moved from the Colorado River to the central and lower portion of Arizona below Tucson.

We noticed as we drove onto the blacktop that there were puddles of rainwater on the asphalt. We were lucky to have missed that kind of downpour!

As we drove, the wind began to blow. There were gusts above 22mph. We were glad to be safe and warm in the RV today!

This evening we grilled bison burgers. The wind had subsided. After dinner, we took a walk along the river as the sun went down.

We may decide to stay out overnight tomorrow. If so, we will post on Friday!

Parker Outback

March 23, 2021 Parker Outback

Blue Water RV Resort Parker, Arizona Day 2

Sunshine, warmth, and beautiful scenery are powerful motivators for a good walk…it all just makes it more pleasurable.  I easily accomplished 4 miles before breakfast!

Nosegay in gravel.

We packed for our overland trip.  Tim had talked to a couple of guys in the RV park and he had a loose idea of where to go.  The BLM offices are closed and so maps are not accessible…who needs a map?

We started on a really bumpy road complete with gravel moguls.

We worked our way out to the paved Shea Road and took it to the end.

Here the road was again dirt and gravel.  The views of the surrounding mountains were pretty.  We had lots of clouds today and only intermittent drips of rain.

We had lunch and then drove down into a wash.  Here we encountered some tough rock obstacles.

We were glad to find our way back to the main road.  We were searching for the perfect camping spot.  There was a forecast for high winds so we were looking for a place where we would be protected.  This spot on the ridge was beautiful and would have been perfect on a non-windy night!

We ran out of road at the Bill Williams National Wildlife Refuge.  Here there were no camping and no campfire signs.  We got out to walk to the water and we got sprinkled with rain.

We found a rocky outcropping to use as our shelter and we set up camp.

We had to put some things away and wait out a shower. But then the remainder of the evening was fairly warm, dry, and windless!

We were drinking wine and sitting by a fire in late afternoon.

I took a hike up the hill and down to a mining site.

We made our traditional omelet dinner.  It was quiet and relaxing.  Our evening sky.