Cycling On The Canal

December 9, 2021

Cycling On The Canal

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 18

We woke up to fog!  There was a dense fog advisory and the humidity was 80%.  This is a rare occurrence here!  It was 54 degrees and I needed a warm sweatshirt for my walk.

Later this morning, we took our bikes and cycled the canal trail.  There was no wind and it was a great ride.  We went seven miles to the end and then headed back. 

At 11.5 miles, I suddenly had a lot of trouble keeping up with Tim.  Then, I heard the thwack, thwack, thwack sound of a flat tire.  I was able to nurse it along for about another mile.  Tim went to get the Jeep while I walked to the nearest intersection for my rescue!

We went to the bike store and had to leave the tire.  They were too busy to help us…hopefully we will get it back tomorrow.  We made a quick run to the grocery store for a few things to get us to Monday.

As I write the blog tonight, it is raining…what an odd weather day! We watched the evening news and the weather guy said there is a frost and freezing temperature warning for the days ahead…we really do NOT like winter!


December 8, 2021


Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 17

Today, another long walk along the Colorado River.  Today, I chatted with my good friend Vicki while I walked.  It makes the time pass so quickly and makes the walk that much more enjoyable.  It is important to work on maintaining our relationships even from very far away.

This afternoon we worked on gathering paperwork for the sale of our house.  While we waited for revisions, we took a bike ride through the park.  We stopped for a break along the water.

This evening we went to UPS with our settlement package, signed and notarized everything, and sent it off…done with our part.  Our greatest wish is that Kyle and Allison will make all of their dreams come true in the same house where we were blessed to raise our family.

We went to Prison Hill and had yummy salads and great conversation…a beautiful date night.  After our meal, we walked around town. 

We stopped for the first time at City Hall.  Displayed there is a plane that set the world record in 1949 for 48 days aloft. 

Picacho Excursion

December 6-7, 2021

Picacho Excursion

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 15 and 16

Monday by noon we were packed and ready for one more overnight excursion in the desert.  We wanted to do some further exploring in the mountains surrounding Picacho Peak.

We traveled along the ridges in the foothills.  We saw just two other Jeeps out on the trails. 

At last, we found our campsite…complete with magnificent views.

As we were getting set up, Tim realized that our propane burner was not working.  He decided that he would build a stone stove so that we could prepare our dinner.

Suddenly, we heard the powerful thrum of a jet overhead.  Practicing low altitude maneuvers, we could see the numbers on the plane…so thrilling!

Before dinner, we could see billowing dust in the distance.  A pair of ATV’s was approaching.  They must have seen us and they chose to turn back, leaving us once again in peace.

Outdoor cooking…chorizo and eggs…nothing tastes better than food eaten outside!

For the rest of the evening, we were mesmerized by the changing light and lengthening shadows on the rocks around us. 

The sky was clouded and so the sunset was particularly stunning.

Because of the clouds, the moon and stars were eventually obscured and it was very dark.  We settled for bed early.  Soon thereafter, the winds began and it was after midnight before it was quiet.

In the morning, Tim got up to watch the sun come up while I dozed. 

Once we had gathered everything, we set out for more adventure.  We decided to take a different way home…it’s one of the “rules”…always try to go on a road you have never been on before!

We reached an impasse here…not worth the risk to try it…even though Tim hates to turn around…we did!

We spooked an owl that had been resting in a tree.  We could hear the great flapping of his wings as he took off, flying through the wash. 

There was a herd of burros on the crest of this hill.  They were shy though and took shelter as we approached.

We had heard from a neighbor about a trail into the Narrows.  We found the access road and enjoyed our ride through this slot canyon.

In this last video, at the end, we were not sure if we were going to fit through the “squeeze” or the “pinch” as it is called.  Tim stopped to look and then got us through!  It was really a fun ride.  In some places, the canyon walls were 40 feet high. 

Finally, we found our way to the power line trail which led us back to the highway.

This is Picacho Peak from a distance…we were camped all the way out there!

It will be a while before we get back…but we know that there is more to see and experience and we cannot wait!

Taking Care Of Business

December 2-5, 2021

Taking Care Of Business

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 11-14

We have spent the last several days being productive and taking care of business.  Christmas gifts are purchased, boxed and mailed. Christmas cards are ready for the post office. Passport applications are complete and sent. RV registration is renewed and we will receive it at David’s. We have been busy!

We still had time for some fun.  We exercised and walked each morning.  Tim cycled every day. 

Thursday, we went to Eduardo’s in downtown Yuma for dinner.  The evening was mild and we sat on the patio.  The food was outstanding.

We saw this power hang glider traveling above the Colorado River…gorgeous day for flying!

Friday evening, we went downtown for the Christmas tree lighting.  The crowd was huge and so we stayed at the periphery and walked around the perimeter and through town.

Saturday, we returned to Naked Dates.  The singer was a young guy, Jourdan Rolland, just starting out.  He played acoustic guitar and sang.  We enjoyed our lunch and it was pleasant sitting in the warm sunshine, listening to music.

We took walks together most evenings.  Tonight, we admired the Christmas lights. 

We got school pictures of Ollie and Austin and they are worthy of sharing…perhaps they will make you smile!

Garden Café

December 1, 2021

Garden Café

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 10

I got a great walk in this morning.  It was another beautiful day start!

At noon, we met Aunt Mavis at the Garden Café in downtown Yuma.  The restaurant, outside in a terraced yard, was under the trees.  It was lovely!  The food was delicious.  There were so many things we would have liked to try and so, we will have to go back another day!

Afterward, Tim and I browsed in the small shops in town.  We did some Christmas shopping and Tim found the ice cream shop open…he is trying all the date shakes in town, looking for the best of the best.  So far, the Imperial Date Farm is the winner!

After such a big lunch, we had a light dinner.  Tim went to the campground clubhouse to join the guys for three ball…a pool (billiard) game. 

Castle Dome Mountains

November 29-30, 2021

Castle Dome Mountains

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 8 & 9

Monday morning, we got our exercising done.  I went to buy firewood and ice.  Then we packed the Jeep and before noon, we were on our way to Kofa National Wildlife Refuge. 

We took the Castle Dome Road and then proceeded to the trail that took us to Big Eye Mine.  We drove 15 miles into the desert.

At the end of the road, we saw a group of people in OHV’s.  They had hiked to the mine.  We chose not to hike but turned back to find a camping spot. We found another perfect place.

Many of you probably just see more rocks and cacti, but we see beauty!  We choose to spend out time outside, in nature, being active and appreciating the stillness, the remoteness and the darkness.  I cannot explain how it makes me feel to spend time out here…but it makes my heart feel full and it restores me.  We are so lucky to be doing this.  It is even more remarkable to me that we both love it and enjoy it together as much as we do!  Tim said today that he cannot think of any hotel room that he would rather stay in and I quite agree!

More omelets for dinner and more stargazing…contented sigh!!!

Tuesday morning, we had our coffee next to the campfire as we watched another glorious sunrise.

Afterward, I decided to take a walk down the rough gravel road. 

Tim followed and picked me up down the road!

We wandered along the bumpy and rutted road back to civilization and the highway.

We were tired and lazy for much of the rest of the day.  Tim got a bike ride in and I did take a walk before dinner.

Another excellent adventure!

We talked to David today. He and his family put up their Christmas tree today. We are getting excited because in two weeks we will fly to Atlanta to be there for the holidays!


November 28, 2021


Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 7

Today was a great day for a really good walk.  I had been having some heel pain and that has slowed me down a little but today I was able to do 4.5 miles relatively comfortably. I am grateful for my new running shoes.  Good shoes really do make a difference as we get older!

Today was chore and football day.

Later in the afternoon, we went for a bike ride.  There was a Lowrider Show in the park across the street.  The cars were really tricked out with unique paint schemes.  They were outfitted with hydraulics that allow the driver to raise and lower the cars at will.  There was music and there were food trucks as well. We have never been to a car show quite like this one! The gaudier and more WOW…the better!

The Teccas

November 27, 2021

The Teccas

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 6

I took my morning walk along the river.

While Tim biked, I ran errands and did a little holiday shopping.  It is hard to think of Christmas when it is always warm and sunny…but Thanksgiving has passed and so it is time to prepare!

This afternoon, we went back to Naked Dates.  On Saturdays from 3pm-5pm they have live music.  Today’s group was the Teccas, a duo from Montana though, half of the duo was ill, so, we had the pleasure of listening to Scott Tecca.  He played the acoustic guitar skillfully and had a rich singing voice. 

We had smoked pulled pork sandwiches with slaw and pickles and they were very tasty!  Later, Tim had his date shake.

I love to watch older people dancing together.  The gentleman guiding his partner across the floor, the two perfectly in sync after years of moving together.  It makes my heart happy!

Scott told the story of his original song, “ Whiskey in Heaven.”  He wrote this song to help himself heal after the tragic suicide of one of his good friends.  Years later, it still makes him choke up as he performs.  We could feel it too.  It was raw and honest and real.  If you are curious…you can find his song on YouTube.

Scott, as I mentioned, is from Montana.  He made it clear that he would not be spending another winter there.  Today in Wellton, Arizona it was 80 degrees with 9% humidity and a light breeze with bright sunshine in a cloudless sky.  It was a perfect day…in every way! I think we might go back to Naked Dates…maybe next Saturday!

The sun was setting as we headed home. Incidentally, the tractor trailer in the picture was loaded with crates of broccoli, picked here in these farm fields, one of several trucks traveling the road to Yuma this evening!

Hanging Out In Yuma

November 26, 2021

Hanging Out In Yuma

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 5

I waited until a little later to start my morning walk.  It was chilly and windy.  By late morning, it was much warmer and I set out.  We were joking about a wind chill factor…probably not funny to most of you!  Today’s high was 77 degrees. 

Tim did another long ride to Somerton. 

I drove to get him and then we went on to San Luis for lunch at La Bodega.  We had really good salads.

After lunch, we wandered some back roads and farm roads and found ourselves on the canal road along the border wall. 

We have written before about the interruptions in the “Wall”.  South of Somerton, the “Wall” is a steel barrier about 2 feet high. 

The new “Wall” begins for several miles and then there is another gap south of Yuma.  It is here that we saw Border Patrol gathering people who were crossing illegally, actively walking through the opening. 

We drove through farmland to get back to the campground.  The cabbage and lettuce were being harvested.  In other fields, workers were weeding the endless rows with hoes…long days of backbreaking work.

I pedaled through the park this evening and then later, we drove to downtown Yuma and walked.

We found a small store on an alley that had date shakes and Tim could not resist!

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 3

I started my day with a walk, albeit reluctantly.  The wind was howling outside…but I made the effort!  The trees were bending with the 25 mph gusts.

The dust was flying.  I had grits in my teeth and in my eyes!

I walked about 2.5 miles and then gave in!

The wind had calmed in the afternoon.  Tim took a long bike ride to Somerton with the wind mostly at his back.  The farm fields were fairly quiet today.   I drove there to get him.  Later I cycled around West Wetlands.

We spent a quiet day talking with and texting friends and family.  Holidays are hard…I especially missed my mom and my kids today. 

We enjoyed quinoa bowls for dinner.  I added roasted sweet potatoes, raw spinach, grilled chicken, cranberry sauce, pecans and we had pumpkin spice crackers with fig and honey goat cheese.  It had lots of the traditional flavors and was delicious and healthy!

At dusk, we took a nice walk together.

From our house on wheels to your house…we wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!