864 November 30, 2022 Frostproof
It was cool and breezy overnight. It was so nice to sleep with the windows open and I even needed a blanket!
This morning, I walked one mile in the campground and then another almost three on the levee. I had a creeping companion on the trail.

We drove a couple of hours north on 27 through farmland, citrus orchards, and small towns. We had found a Harvest Host site in Frostproof, Florida. Mister Chris’ Coffee Gallery is in an old train depot that was constructed in 1912. This labor of love houses an eclectic bunch of antiques and classic collectibles as well as fresh coffee. We can’t drink coffee in the afternoon and so we settled on some coffee beans for the coffee connoisseurs in our lives. We toured the seven rooms. Each has a theme and is meant to be interactive if you are inclined.

In the music room there are tons of vinyl albums and a record player just begging for use. There are also board games and other fun things to do.

When this was an operating depot, there were two ticket windows. The window on the left was for colored people and the window on the right for whites. The owner here wanted to preserve this part of history and designed his space so that the ticket windows remained intact. They are part of the story of this place.

This was the crew of men who built the depot and worked on this portion of the Atlantic Coastline Railroad.

The building as it appeared in 1912.

The grounds here are lovely with several live oak trees that are more than 200 years ols.

There is a Native American Burial Site on the corner.

We rested during the hottest portion of the afternoon and then walked down to the dock on Reedy Lake.

We spent a lot of time on this porch swing.

After dinner, we walked through town. We love these quaint places…small town USA. If not for Harvest Host, we wouldn’t have stopped here. It was a pleasant way to spend the day.