923 March 12-13 Night On The River
I started the day with a long walk in the ecological preserve. I saw a coyote running across a grassy field and into the woods. As I returned, I saw the father owl sitting on a branch in the cottonwood tree, keeping watch over the mama and her nest.

Tim took his walk and then watched the NASCAR race.
We had packed the Jeep for an overnight adventure. We traveled just about 10 miles to a spot above the Palo Verde Diversion Dam. The mighty Colorado River is tamed by 15 dams along the main tributary. This is a small dam. From our campsite we could here the rush of water passing through.

Our site.

It was such a pleasant evening. There was no wind. There were plenty of birds to watch. Songbirds and hummingbirds flitted through the scruffy trees adjacent to the campsite. There were coots and other ducks floating on the river current.

There was a solitary white pelican.

We had our dinner.

At sunset, the coyotes began their concert. The sounds came from across the river. We heard them all night. With dusk came small swarms of mayflies. As the sky grew dark, tiny black bats flew about jerky and erratic feasting on the bugs.
We waited for the stars, finally glimmering and bright.
We slept with the tent door open, enjoying the mild temperatures.
This morning Tim awoke to the beginning of sunrise and took a picture from the tent.

I heard the click of the camera and we got up to watch the sun make its appearance.

We got back to the RV and unpacked.
I took a walk in the neighborhood and then feeling good continued on getting a good three miles done.
As I returned, Tim was just setting out. He had finished his stretching and strength training. In order to get to the ecological preserve you have to cross a large open and dusty field. An older couple had let their two border collies off leash and the dogs were running. As Tim approached one of the dogs charged at him snarling and growling with teeth bared. Tim was in fight or flight mode. He threw out his foot and the dog dodged him and backed off. In the meantime, the second dog had circled around behind him and was crouched low and posed to pounce. Tim kicked backward and connected with the dog. The two dogs then ran away. Tim was very angry. He is a dog guy and not easily intimidated but this was a scary episode. The couple stood there stupefied and gaping. They never apologized or even tried to call their dogs off. Tim yelled at them to learn to control their animals. How he went on to take his walk…I’m not quite sure. He was still upset when he got back. He was glad that I hadn’t gone to walk there. He knew that I would have been petrified and that I might have gotten bitten. I’m not sure I want to go and walk there again by myself. I will be looking for the pair of dogs before I go.
This afternoon, we drove across the border into Arizona to get gas for the Jeep. Gas prices there are $1.50 less per gallon! There are lots of other people coming from California with a similar idea. That gas station was crazy busy!
We went into Blythe. We washed the Jeep and got a few groceries. Then we went to Garcia’s Authentic Mexican Restaurant for a very early dinner.
This evening, I took a bike ride and then Tim and I went over to check on the owls.
All is well.