1240 March 16, 2025 Laid Back Sunday
I drove to Morton Road and parked at the community park. I took my walk from there. There were many people out biking and walking.
Tim had arranged for an RV Mobile Wash guy to come and bathe the big baby.
When I got back, they also washed the Jeep.
I was so happy to have a shiny clean car that I decided to clean out the inside as well.
I rested and read this afternoon.
We made eggs for dinner.
We walked to the pier and sat to watch the sun go down. As we were sitting, small lizards emerged from the nearby bush and they were feasting on mayflies. They climbed on our flipflops to get a better vantage point.

One lizard actually ran across my toes making me gasp in surprise and delight. I could feel his tiny little feet on my toes.
Yesterday, Austin, our six-year-old grandson, ran his first 5K. His mom, Andrea, wrote about it and I wanted to include his story as part of tonight’s blog…inspiration from a very cool first grader!