1237 March 13, 2025 Music At Jolly Roger
I began walking in the campground. When Tim left for the gym, I went along. He dropped me off at Guava Avenue and I walked the Morton Road loop while he did his workout. Win-Win!

We packed our lunch and took it to Long Key State Park. As usual, a little lizard kept us company.

This evening, we went to the pavilion at Here at Jolly Roger. There was a hotdog dinner tonight which we skipped but they also had a guy singing. We sat near the water and listened to a fun mix of beach music, country, and old rock and roll.

We watched families fishing on the pier. This little boy had a stringer of fish.

Our squadron of pelicans.

The sunset was obscured by a huge bank of clouds but we did get a couple of dazzling moments.

Now, we are watching Forrest Gump…the Bubba shrimp scene…