1228 March 4, 2025 Last Day In Key West
I took my walk to Bernstein Park. I went inside the fence and walked laps on the nice paved path.

There was this library book vending machine…a cool idea!

Tim went to the gym and then he went for his walk while I did laundry. We went to Publix for a few groceries.
We had a quiet day; reading and relaxing.
This evening, we drove into Key West. We parked near Upper Duvall and walked the part of town that we hadn’t yet.

Tim found a restaurant, Mangoes, with “island cuisine.” We had a nice meal.

We ate and then we walked some more.
It was just after sunset and there was a tidal wave of people coming up Duvall from Mallory Square.
We took a quieter side street and Tim saw this store, Lost Boy Creations. We browsed but didn’t buy.

And back to the car.

Today is our last day here. We move tomorrow to the Middle Keys. We had a really good time. We got to see lots of beautiful sunsets, we had some beach time, we did lots of walking and pedaling. We had lots of good meals. We enjoyed our time so much that we have reserved this campsite at Leo’s for the same block of time next year…so until then…goodbye Key West!