1227 March 3, 2025 Quiet Monday
Happy 38th Birthday, David!! We love you and you make us very proud.

I woke up to the news that we had ants…tiny itty-bitty ants running along the grout in the tile under the table. Tim had cleaned them up but they were still coming. Before he left for the gym, he put out ant powder by our wheels and power cord and hose and tires…anywhere that the ants might be climbing to access the inside of our RV. While he was gone, I cleaned the floor with white vinegar and put out ant traps. By later in the day, we were not seeing any more ant traffic…hopefully…crisis averted!
I went for my usual walk through the neighborhood. I was about to turn around at my usual place when I saw a sign for a waterfront boardwalk. There was public access through the resort. I followed the signs to a channel.

It was nice to stumble upon something new today!
I got back and tried to plug my charger into my IPAD. I could not make it work. I found a place called Keys Technology just a couple pf miles away. I called and they said they could help. I drove the short distance ad the woman took my IPAD back. I had taken my charger with me and she showed me how a piece of it had broken off and she suspected it was lodged in the port. I waited just a few minutes and for $29.00 I was out the door with my IPAD fixed. I was thankful because that is how I read my library books…I would have been very sad to lose it!
Tim wanted to go for a long bike ride. My legs were tired. I stayed back and read and did some writing. Tim did the 13-mile loop around Key West.
This evening, I grilled chicken and put it on top of greens with kalamata olives and tomatoes and cucumbers and feta. We put our dinner in the cooler and drove to the state park. We had our picnic. There were at least 14 party boats out in the water for their various versions of the sunset cruise. We watched the sun go down. Every night, a different show. From the nearby naval station we could hear a bugle playing Taps…chills!