1223 February 27, 2025 Latitudes
I walked over the bridge and into Key West along the waterfront. I was feeling good and did 1.5 miles before turning back.

We drove back into Key West. We tried to park at the post office but it was $55.00 for the day. We returned to Simonton Street and parked in our favorite lot. The guy there recognizes us now…or maybe he recognizes our Jeep!
We walked to Opal Key Resort. We were a little early for our 12:15 reservation and so was walked along the dock. It was a busy place and there was lots to see.

We walked to Slip 29 to meet the small ferry that would take us to Sunset Key and the Latitudes Restaurant. The small boat took us right past the behemoth cruise ship and into open water.

It was a ten-minute trip. We were escorted to the hostess stand. Tim asked for an indoor table by the huge open doors. We had a great view of the dining patio and the water beyond.

We had a leisurely and scrumptious lunch that began with lobster bisque. Tim had fish tacos and I had a quesadilla stuffed with shrimp and lots of grilled onions and peppers and mushrooms. We were too full for dessert.
We watched as the rain chased the outside diners inside…a frenzy of work for the servers taking care of them. The patio was empty then and we had a really good view! Thanks goodness we opted for an indoor seating!

When we were finished, we walked out to the pier.

A fishing boat had arrived while we were eating and the first mate was fileting the fish. The gulls and the pelicans competed for scraps.

The ferry approached.

We were waiting to board. The woman who was piloting the boat tried to hop across the corner of the dock, she slipped and she began to lose her balance. She was just inches from us. I could see the terror in her eyes as she realized that she was going to fall backward into the water. Tim quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her safely onto the pier. Such rapid thinking and action! The woman was so incredibly grateful and the two of them hugged before Tim let her go.
The ride back.

We got back to Key West and walked though town. We stopped to see the Key West Historic Sculptural Garden. The busts displayed in the garden are of the important historic figures that played a role in the founding, development, and rich history of this island. At one time, Key West was the biggest city in Florida and the first to reach a population of 10,000. Many pioneers worked to make this a place worth visiting.

I’m not sure why I found this amusing…it had rained and this guy had a dripping nose…

Mallory Square is empty during the day.

In a bar on Duval Street there was a great guitarist at one of the bars and there were many people standing to listen. We became part of the crowd.

We stopped at Kermit’s Key Lime Shop and Tim had a frozen chocolate covered piece of key lime pie…I was too full.

We stopped for groceries before heading back to the RV.
What a fun day!