
1223 February 27, 2025 Latitudes

I walked over the bridge and into Key West along the waterfront.  I was feeling good and did 1.5 miles before turning back. 

We drove back into Key West.  We tried to park at the post office but it was $55.00 for the day.  We returned to Simonton Street and parked in our favorite lot.  The guy there recognizes us now…or maybe he recognizes our Jeep! 

We walked to Opal Key Resort.  We were a little early for our 12:15 reservation and so was walked along the dock.  It was a busy place and there was lots to see.

We walked to Slip 29 to meet the small ferry that would take us to Sunset Key and the Latitudes Restaurant.  The small boat took us right past the behemoth cruise ship and into open water. 

It was a ten-minute trip.  We were escorted to the hostess stand.  Tim asked for an indoor table by the huge open doors.  We had a great view of the dining patio and the water beyond.


We had a leisurely and scrumptious lunch that began with lobster bisque.  Tim had fish tacos and I had a quesadilla stuffed with shrimp and lots of grilled onions and peppers and mushrooms.  We were too full for dessert. 

We watched as the rain chased the outside diners inside…a frenzy of work for the servers taking care of them.  The patio was empty then and we had a really good view!  Thanks goodness we opted for an indoor seating!

When we were finished, we walked out to the pier. 

A fishing boat had arrived while we were eating and the first mate was fileting the fish.  The gulls and the pelicans competed for scraps.

The ferry approached.

We were waiting to board.  The woman who was piloting the boat tried to hop across the corner of the dock, she slipped and she began to lose her balance.  She was just inches from us.  I could see the terror in her eyes as she realized that she was going to fall backward into the water.  Tim quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her safely onto the pier.  Such rapid thinking and action!  The woman was so incredibly grateful and the two of them hugged before Tim let her go.

The ride back.

We got back to Key West and walked though town.  We stopped to see the Key West Historic Sculptural Garden. The busts displayed in the garden are of the important historic figures that played a role in the founding, development, and rich history of this island. At one time, Key West was the biggest city in Florida and the first to reach a population of 10,000. Many pioneers worked to make this a place worth visiting.

I’m not sure why I found this amusing…it had rained and this guy had a dripping nose…

Mallory Square is empty during the day.

In a bar on Duval Street there was a great guitarist at one of the bars and there were many people standing to listen.  We became part of the crowd.

We stopped at Kermit’s Key Lime Shop and Tim had a frozen chocolate covered piece of key lime pie…I was too full.

We stopped for groceries before heading back to the RV. 

What a fun day!

Baklava #3

1222 February 26, 2025 Baklava #3

I walked this morning with the roosters.


Tim had looked at the area on Google and said that if I took 5th Street, I would run into a dirt road that should lead me out to the water.  I got to the end of 5th Street and there was a ROAD CLOSED sign and a gate across. 

I walked some more and found Bernstein Park.

I saw a sign for a restaurant on the shrimp docks so I thought I would go there and see of the trawlers were in the harbor.  I came upon a section of road that had flooded in the rain two days ago and the water was deep and wide.  I didn’t want to get me feet wet, I was a long way from home and so I turned back. 

Meanwhile, Tim had done his stretching and had been to the gym.  He was trying to decide if he was going to walk this morning or go for a bike ride.  He decided to bike.  He got as far as Berstein Park and got a flat tire.  He knew I was out walking and so could not recue him.  He walked his bike the mile back to the We Cycle bike repair shop to get his flat fixed.  He couldn’t decide whether to walk or ride and he got to do both!  How nice to have a bike shop right here!

We had such a busy day yesterday that we elected to have a quieter day today.  At 3:15 we left with our dinner packed in a cooler.  We parked at the Florida Keys Eco-Discovery Center.  This is a relatively new museum and it is free to park and free to enter.  Unfortunately, we thought that it was open until 5 but it closed at 4.  We had very little time to wander through.  The mission of this place is to educate patrons about the ecology of all of the habitats surrounding the Florida Keys including the mangroves, the Marine Sanctuary and the Coral Reef.  There were lots of interactive exhibits and everything was extremely informative and well designed. 

NOAA was also highlighted.  We had passed the NOAA headquarters while driving through Key West.  I imagine NOAA is really important to this long strand of islands.

I wish that we had more time to explore this center…maybe another time!

At 4, we left and drove the short distance back to Fort Zachary State Park.  We took the time to explore the fort that guarded and protected the harbor.  Constructed in 1845 by Irish brick masons, the outer walls are 5 feet thick.  Tim estimates that the walls are 15 courses of brick.  The fort was held by the Union Army for the entire course of the Civil War.  Later it housed munitions and was actively staffed through the Cuban Missile Crisis.

There was another cruise ship at the dock.  There is a ship there most every night we have discovered.

We left to fort and took our cooler and chairs and found a nice shady spot along the water.  We had dinner while watching the parade of sailboats and party boats all out for their sunset cruises.

We were joined by lots of other people and there was cheering and clapping as the sun slipped down below the horizon…gorgeous!

We made the slow drive through the busy streets of downtown Key West…so many people on bikes and walking and on scooters.  We joked about stopping for Baklava.  Tim drove down the side street and I got out of the car while he circled the block.  Baklava #3 procured.  Just as good tonight as it was the very first time!

Butterflies And Balconies

1221 February 25, 2025 Butterflies And Balconies

The sun was shining today!!!

I walked again in the neighborhood surrounding the campground.  It was less noisy there than along the main road.

We packed our lunch and then drove the Jeep into Key West.  We found free parking at Higgs Beach.  We took our bikes off and cycled to Duvall Street.  We bought tickets and went in to see the Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservancy.  The antechamber has lots of information about the anatomy and biology of butterflies.  We browsed there, reading a few of the displays.  

We entered the conservancy through a set of double doors and there were butterflies flitting all around us.  I could hear the whisper of their wings.  I could feel a tickle as they grazed my arms as they fluttered by.

Tim asked “Do I have a butterfly on my hat?”  It stayed there for several minutes as he walked through the beautiful tropical garden.

The habitat is kept at 80 degrees with 80% humidity. The plants are lush and green with a dazzling array of blooming flowers. There must be an accomplished group of scientists that run this operation.

The conservancy gets 300-500 chrysalises from around the world each week.   Most of the butterflies were Blue Morphs.  They come from Costa Rica.  Brown and ordinary when their wings are together…

Stunning iridescent blue when their wings are open.

There are more than 50 varieties of butterflies here.

The butterflies emerge from their cocoons here in a butterfly nursery.  It may take 1-2 days for their wings to dry.  Once they are able to fly, they are released into the garden. 30 to 50 butterflies are released each day.

There were lots of lovely flowers including many varieties of orchids.

And butterflies love orchids.

There were lots of smaller birds.  It was like a scavenger hunt to spot them scattered among the thick emerald foliage.

There was a pair of flamingos, Scarlett and Rhett.  It is mating season and they were courting.

Rhett was making a terrific racket trying to get her attention but initially she ignored him.

I absolutely loved this most magical experience.  Adults were giggling with delight and wonder.  I felt giddy! Several people walked around with butterflies perched on their hats and in their hair.  We have been to Key West lots of times and I cannot believe that I never knew about this place before. I could have stayed all day! By the time we reached the end of the tour, the line to get in zigzagged down the sidewalk.

We hopped back on our bikes and rode through the streets of Key West. There was a cruise ship in town and there were people everywhere! We made our way back toward Higgs Beach and rode out onto the pier. We sat watching the water.

We put the bikes back on the Jeep and drove over to Fort Zachary Taylor State Park. We found a nice shaded table near the water and had our picnic.

We went back to the campground to rest and shower.

This evening, we had reservations at Bagatelle’s. The very first time that we came to Key West, we went to Bagatelle’s for dinner. Now, its is part of our tradition to have dinner here. We always ask for a table on the second floor balcony. It is fun from there to watch Duval Street and all the happenings and people.

We had a delicious bottle of UNO Malbec, mussels to share and then Tim enjoyed Swordfish and I chose lobster fettuccini with spinach and grilled tomatoes…outstanding…all of it!

After dinner, Tim was on a mission. He led me directly to Baklava where we purchased two more pieces of that amazing baklava. We sat on the bench outside the shop and ate until there was nothing left…licking our sticky fingers. We were full and we needed to walk.

We wandered around Key West.


We stopped several times to stand on the sidewalk and listen to live music.

Just another day in paradise!

Rainy Work Day

1220 February 24, 2025 Rainy Work Day

I woke up, saw that it was light outside and hurried to get out of bed.  I knew that the forecast for today was for wind and rain and I wanted to get my walk in first thing.  I was brushing my teeth when the rain began.  It was light at first and the weather app showed that there would be a break…but sometimes the weather app lies!  It poured all morning!

I had a list of things I was saving for a rainy day.  I did a bunch of stuff on the computer, sending emails, and making phone calls. Then, I started to work to gather everything I need to do our taxes.

Tim got a break in the rain at around 3:30 this afternoon. he was eager to get outside. He took his bike and went for a ride but only after I promised to rescue him if he got caught in a downpour.

I didn’t want to quit in the middle of getting taxes ready and so I worked until 4pm.

Tim still wasn’t back and so I did some cleaning as well.

It was apparently very wet out there! Tim sent several texts while he was out riding.

Tim biked around the entire island of Key West…13 miles. In many places, the water was higher than his bike pedals and it was hard for him to discern where the curbs and sidewalks were. There were several cars and golf carts stalled put and abandoned. Tim stopped once at Truman Waterfront Park to wring the water out of his socks. He got back home and his shoes and socks were sopping wet. He didn’t think that I would have enjoyed this little adventure…thank goodness I was working on taxes…never thought I would actually sat that!

I made a salad with beets and oranges and greens and I used the special orange olive oil and orange balsamic vinegar. I added some fresh mozzarella and some nuts and chicken. It was pretty tasty!

I was glad to have a rainy day and so much to occupy my time. It was very productive! No one wants to do taxes on a bright and sunny day!

Mallory Square

1219 February 23, 2025 Mallory Square

I walked in the nearby neighborhood this morning; through the streets with the chickens and the roosters.  The houses were packed tightly together but everything was neat and tidy.

This campground had been renovated and we like it here so much better than we did years ago!

We spent the day waiting for Tim’s bike to be repaired.  He had his cables and gears messed up.  He has been riding this way for weeks now.  There is a bike rental and repair shop adjacent to the campground and so this was a good opportunity to get things fixed.  He took the bike on Saturday and we were hoping it would be ready so that we could ride today.  We waited until lunchtime and then decided to walk across the campground to a little hole-in-the wall food truck.  We had access via a small alley.  One Love, serves Jamaican cuisine.  I ordered mahi tacos and Tim had a tuna poke bowl.  We listened to Jamaican music as we waited.  The food was perfectly seasoned and flavorful.  We had a delicious meal!

Tim went to check on his bike after lunch…still no progress…except for the promise that it would be ready before 5pm.  We relaxed and read and sat outside.

Tim finally got his bike back and it rides like a dream…like a new bike!

This evening, we drove to Key West.  We found parking in a public lot for $30.00.  We had to return by 9am Monday to get our car or have it towed.  We were fairly certain we would be back by then! 

We walked up Duval Street. 

We went to one of our old favorites, Smokin’ Tuna, but when we got there, it was The Alamo.  They still had a cool outdoor seating area and live music and so we sat and had a drink.  We didn’t get food because the reviews were not that favorable and because we had been wanting Smokin’ Tuna!

We walked to Mallory Square for the Sunset Celebration.  We watched the street performers and the rest of the spectacle that is Key West.

Cruise ship departing at sunset.

We walked to the old Custom’s Building.  The masonry work here is outstanding and we always come to take a look.

We strolled further along the docks and actually saw the sun go down from another quieter place.  I took a few pictures and then put my camera away and just watched.

We were hungry and so we left Mallory Square with the throng of other hungry people also leaving.  We tried Salty Frog’s.  We found a table and waited for a while.  We looked at the menu, ready to order when a server happened by, and listened to the live music.  The restaurant was quite obviously slammed and we finally decided to find another place to eat.  We went to a Cuban place where we had eaten before but there was a line of people waiting.  We passed a bunch of ice cream places, ice cream is Tim’s kryptonite, and when we passed a guy holding a huge banana split, there was a moment when Tim almost opted for ice cream for dinner. 

Around the corner, we found Bruschetta’s, an authentic Italian restaurant.  We got the last table on the sidewalk.  It was a fun place to sit.  We were right at the maître d’ stand.  The guy in charge of seating, who may have been the owner, did not speak any English.  He held up his phone and he had us speak into it and then he used Google translate.  It was kind of comical to watch him interact with patrons.  Frank Sinatra sang to us through the speakers.  Tim had chicken marsala with homemade pasta and I had mussels in the most lemony and garlicy sauce. 

Our young, Italian server, asked us where we were traveling from.  We told her how we lived in our RV and traveled and how we considered ourselves very lucky to be doing what we do.  Her reply surprised us.  She said: “Yes, you are lucky and good for you for using your luck.  So many people are lucky and they don’t use it!”  It made us think and yes, we know people who are lucky and don’t use it.  We have never heard it put quite this way…perspective!

Kyle called to Facetime as we were paying for dinner and then we walked across the street to chat.  As I was talking, Tim wandered away.  He soon came back with a container with two pieces of baklava nestled inside.  He had gone into Baklava, The Art of Dessert.  Inside there were about one hundred different kinds of beautiful desserts.  He selected the baklava and brought it to me.  It was the most amazing baklava I have ever had.  Flaky and nutty and dripping with honey.  Our fingers were sticky when we finished and we were full!

We walked around Key West and then to the Jeep. Always classic rock at Hog’s Breath Saloon.

We had a wonderful evening!

Fort Zachary Taylor State Park

1218 February 22, 2025 Fort Zachary Taylor State Park

74 degrees yesterday and 71 degrees overnight.  It is so nice to have the windows open! Long before dawn, I could here a rooster crowing from far away.

My walk today took me on a nice paved walking path from Stock Island, over the bridge onto Key West.  I walked along the seawall. 

Flowers from an exotic red silk cotton tree.

I finished 2.5 miles. 

We packed lunch in our bike bags and drove the Jeep to Fort Zachary Taylor State Park. 

We walked along the shore.  We saw an older guy sitting in a chair by the water.  It was the same guy that we met a couple of years ago who back then offered to take our picture.  It is a picture of both of us with our bikes and it is one of our very favorites.  We remembered the guy because he reminded us very much of a dear friend, Tom Franklin.  We approached the man and spoke with him and shared our memories.  He offered to take our picture again today.

We ate our lunch while watching the water.


We were not allowed to leave the park on our bikes without also taking our car and so we took the Jeep and drove the very short way to Truman Park.  There was a huge Art Festival along the waterfront.  There were all kinds of artists with metal and wood sculptures and pottery and woven goods and paintings and jewelry and lots more.  It was all high end and gorgeous.  We have no need or place for things but it was fun to look.

This guy painted all of his paintings with drumsticks!

We wandered beyond the festival and found a bench.  The Celebrity Silhouette was in port.  This cruise ship is more than 1,000 feet long and can host 2,800 passengers.  It is not the way we like to travel.  In this picture, Tim is actually shaking his head no…no thank you…no cruises for us.

We have found what we consider to be the perfect way to travel…for us!

This evening, we packed a rotisserie chicken, tomato, cucumber, and mozzarella salad with kalamata olives and balsamic vinegar, and some fresh sourdough bread with some fresh blackberries. We drove into Key West to Higgs Beach. We found a picnic table and had our supper on the beach.

We walked afterward. It was mild albeit breezy.

There was live music in a pavilion on the sand outside a busy restaurant.


We walked down to the pier and from there we could see the whole scene.

Goodbye cruise ship!

We walked back up the beach to the African Cemetery.

Then, we walked to the AIDS Memorial.

We walked out onto this long pier as well.

Quintessentially Key West!

So many roosters and chickens! Today a Publix we watched a chicken lead 5 chicks across the parking lot. The chicks were very fluffy and tiny and cute…and in a dangerous place!


Leo’s On Stock Island

1217 February 21, 2025 Leo’s On Stock Island

Overnight, we were able to leave the windows open.  There was a wonderful breeze and it felt deliciously cool.

We got up early and worked to get our packing and exercising done.

I put on a sweatshirt and I walked before we left with one last look at the Florida Bay. 

We have had a great time here but it is time for new adventures!

We dumped tanks and we were on our way by 9am.  It took almost an hour to get to Homestead.  We hopped on Route 1, Overseas Highway and drove another 113 miles crossing 44 islands and driving over 42 bridges to Stock Island.  This is one of the most beautiful drives in America and is one of the longest overwater roads in the world.  The turquoise waters were gorgeous despite the cloudy and windy day. 

It was Friday and the traffic in the Keys was heavy.  We finally arrived at about 2pm.

Our site is plenty big enough but backing in was tight.  The neighbor across the way moved his truck and Tim was able to expertly swing the RV right into place. 

Later, we drove the short distance into Key West.  Tim found a gym, the Body Zone, just a couple of miles away.  He was able to but a membership for the twelve days that we will be here.

We drove the perimeter of the island along the beaches and then to Duval Street. 

We circled back and returned to the campground.  We will have lots of time to explore!

For dinner, we grilled shrimp and asparagus and tiny grape tomatoes.  We made bowls with jasmine rice and avocado crema…so yummy!

Last Day In The Everglades

1216 February 20, 2025 Last Day In The Everglades

I was taking my morning walk when Oliver and Austin called to FaceTime with me.  We stayed on the phone for a long time, chatting about school and their February winter break.  They asked where we were and what we had seen.  I told them about the crocodiles in the marina and they wanted to see!  I told them I would walk there and check.  We stayed on the phone for the whole 2 ¼ mile walk.  When I got to the marina, there was NO crocodile.  The boys were disappointed.  They asked me to keep checking and to call them back if the croc was out.

There was a dead diamondback rattlesnake along the road!

By the time I got back to the RV, I had walked more than 3 ½ miles.  If your grandchildren ask to see the crocodiles…there is not much that I would not be willing to do!

We packed our lunch and on our way to West Lake, we stopped in at the marina to look for the croc…no show.

We drove to West Lake and enjoyed our noontime meal.  There requisite crows were present…screeching and begging to be fed.

On our way back to the campsite we stopped at the marina again…no croc.

This afternoon, Tim went for a bike ride.  He said he was going tot eh marina.  He was gone a really long time.  I decided to bike out and find him.  He was at the marina standing with about 30 other people looking at a 12-foot croc that was lying on the pavement.  Unbeknownst to us, a battle in the marina began at 7am.  Fred is the biggest male croc in the marina.  He chased this crocodile, Half-jaw, around the marina all day.  Finally, Half-jaw was tired.  He walked up the boat ramp, across the parking lot, and parked himself on the dock to rest.  This croc is named Half-jaw because if you look closely, he is missing several inches of his bottom jaw!

The crowd of people gawked and took pictures.  Of course, I called the boys and we did FaceTime with the crocodile.  They thought it was very awesome to see the crocodile. They thought it looked like a statue. There was a ranger and lots of park employees in the parking lot to prevent stupid people from doing stupid things! 

Gradually, the croc began to move closer to the edge of the seawall.  All at once, he jumped down into the water! To witness that huge animal rising up and making his way into the water was tremendous. I only wish I had time to video it!

We biked back to the RV.

Another day in the Florida Everglades.  Today was actually our last day.  We have spent 10 really terrific days here.  The weather has been wonderful.  We have seen lots of birds and other wildlife.  A park ranger said this and I believe that it is true…If you just come to the Everglades and drive the main park road, you may not realize the real beauty of this place.  On any given day, you may or may not see cool birds or gators or turtles or manatees or crocs…you may see nothing at all.  Being here requires deeper exploration and the willingness to be patient.  This place thrums with life and to experience it, you must immerse yourself.  We love it here!

Enjoy Life!

1215 February 19, 2025 Enjoy Life!

17 years ago, we lost a dear friend, Jim.  We spent our day enjoying life in honor of and in tribute to his memory.  He is remembered with love and admiration and respect.

First thing, I was out for my walk.  The osprey pair nesting by the Florida Bay has chicks in the nest.  Papa was squawking up a storm as I stood to take pictures.  These poor birds are under constant observation all day long.  I am sure it is stressful for them.

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I saw this katydid crossing the road…we don’t see too many of them anywhere we go.

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This mockingbird sat on the signpost.  He allowed me to get fairly close.

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After breakfast, we got on our bikes and went to the marina.  It was such a pleasant morning and it was nice to be outside.

Laughing gull standing on one leg…not sure if he has two legs…

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We sat on the bench on the breezeway watching the water.

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We packed a picnic lunch and drove the Jeep to Nine Mile Pond.  We found a table in the shade. 

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As we sat down, we saw an alligator in the shallow water.  We ate and he laid in the water. 

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Soon, another gator swam in and found a comfy spot among the high grasses.

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We drove to Parotis Pond to see the roseate spoonbills.  There was one sitting in a tree across the water. 

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We saw groups of the big pink birds flying.

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There was an off-duty ranger there and she was taking pictures.  She pointed out a pair of skimmers.  The female was laying eggs and the male was guarding his mate. These are Eastern amberwings.

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When we got back Tim had the duty of performing the most unglamorous task of RV living…tank draining.  He drove to the dump station and took care of business.

We rested this afternoon.

I made quinoa bowls for dinner and we took them to sit beside the bay.

A little sangria, the lapping of the waves, the warm breeze, windswept clouds, and the soft colors of sunset…what a nice ending to this day in the Everglades and in each other’s company.

Florida Bay Boat Tour

1214 February 18, 2025 Florida Bay Boat Tour

Last evening after posting the blog, we went up to sit in the breezeway. 

I took a short walk this morning because after sleeping in and talking to Kyle, I was running very late!

Tim took this video of the Florida Bay while he was out for his morning walk.

Today, we had reservations for the Florida Bay Boat Tour and ecotour.  We met the captain of the Seahorse at the Everglades Marina.  The wind was still and it was a gorgeous day to be out on the water. 

The naturalist, Jennifer, was an avid birdwatcher.  She knew a lot about the history of this area and she knew even more about the ecosystems and the animals that make the Everglades their home.  This woman also had great energy.  She was enjoying our cruise as much as we were!   It was obvious that she loves what she does.

We made our way slowly out of the basin.  We saw this great blue heron.

A little blue hiding among the mangrove roots.

Brown pelicans on a sand bar.

An egret resting in storm debris.

An osprey nest.  One of the adults is sitting with two chicks.  The other, was out hunting and we saw it fly in with a fish.  After the eggs hatch, it takes only about two weeks for the chicks to be nearly adult size.

Another great blue.

A royal tern.

Circling vultures.

Solitary brown pelican.

Tricolored heron.

Birds in the mud flats.

Brown pelican perched in a treetop.

Migrating white pelicans…here for the winter…true snowbirds.

All at once, someone spotted Atlantic bottlenose dolphins.  This mother and baby pair were hunting together.  We watched them for a long time and then we began to see another group of four as well.  I was taking a lot of pictures but then decided just to watch. It was thrilling to see the dolphins and it made my whole day happy!

The captain made a giant circle with the catamaran and a couple of the dolphins followed along in the wake.

White heron.

It is so pretty here!

I was the last person to get off of the boat.  There were manatees in the marina and I really wanted pictures!

We went back to the campground for lunch and quiet time.  I couldn’t wait to download the images from my camera.

Later this afternoon, I went over to sit by the dumpsters and start on the blog.

We went tot he Flamingo Lodge Restaurant for dinner and we had really good mahi.

Afterward, we went to the edge of the bay to see sunset.
