1192 January 27, 2025 LOST
I started my walk with a sweatshirt on but had to go back and change after one lap…just gorgeous!
We packed our bike bags with pistachios and oranges and took our bikes out on the LOST or the Lake Okeechobee Scenic Trail.
We could see sugarcane fields burning in the distance. There were pieces of ash floating in the air.
We biked to Torry Island. It was nice to just sit by the water. The warm breeze, the smell of freshly mown grass, the bright blue sky and the brilliant sunshine…what a perfect day!
We climbed to the top of the observation tower.
I saw a tiny glimpse of an alligator snout in the pond at the campground yesterday. Today we had our first real sighting. Normally, we would have seen gators in northern Florida but it has been too cold.
I know these golfers are glad for the improvement in the weather.
What cool birds. They are grey-headed swamphens. I didn’t realize there was a pair until I worked on the blog this evening.
We had a quiet afternoon and then we packed dinner and drove the Jeep to John Stretch Park. When we have stayed here before, we had been able to see a rocket launch. Today at 5:05pm a Starlink launch was scheduled. We downloaded the SpaceCoastLaunch App. We watched the countdown and then scanned the sky. We had used a compass to determine the most favorable angle. The Space Coast is almost due north of here. Not tonight…the launch was successful but we didn’t see anything at all. We have a couple more chances before we leave.
We drove up onto the berm to see the sunset.