1144 September 25, 2024 Ken’s Lake
We slept with the windows open for most of the night. What a pleasure!
It was sunny with a nice breeze as I walked along the Colorado River.

Tim was ready to go when I got back to the RV. We took 70W. When we left Fruita, there was a sign saying that there were no services for 60 miles. We traveled across desert.

We avoided the scenic route today but the highway was rough and bumpy.
We took a break at the Utah Welcome Center.

We turned off of the interstate at Jackass Joe’s Twilight Zone.

We took 191 all the way into Moab.
We arrived at Ken’s Lake around noon.

This afternoon, we went to the Canyonlands Backcountry Camping Office. We were able to make a reservation to ride the 4WD White Rim Trail in the park. We got our permit and all the maps and information we needed for our overnight Jeep trip on Sunday. We stopped at the Village Market for a picnic.
This evening, we went down to the lake and had dinner.

As we were eating, we saw two paragliders come over the cliffs.

Then we saw a guy with a powered paraglider…a kite with a motor and propeller. We could hear him in the parking lot testing his gear. We saw him take off and fly.

We took the dirt road up the steep hill behind the campground. The view was nice.

We saw the powered paraglider making passes and Tim took some video.

We took the road to the left and crossed a stream and at the dead-end, we saw these two holes in the rock…mines?!?

We took the road to the right and saw that the trail was called “Steelbender.” The road curved abruptly down to the left on a steep bank and then crossed the stream and went up a steep incline…not in this Jeep!

Evening primrose.

There was a place to park and we saw a trail leading to the rockface. Pictographs painted on the rock eons ago.

Old chiseled names in the rock.

Petroglyphs carved into the dark varnish on the rock surface.

This odd rock formation definitely caught our attention. How did that black rock get on top of that red pillar??? Tim estimated that the rock on top was several tons. There is no other black rock in this area…hmmmm…

What a pleasant evening!