1139 September 20, 2024 Flaming Gorge
I waited until the sun came up at 7:08am before beginning my walk. It was 40 degrees and cold and I could see my breath! There was lots of dense fog and it was going to take some time for the sun to make its way over the mountains.

I walked along the Karns Meadow Park and then down past the Teton County Fairgrounds.

I could have stayed in Jackson longer. It is a quirky and fun western town. Everything is extremely well done. The architecture fits into the natural environment. Even McDonalds was dressed in western wear. There was still lots to do…museums, biking on miles of pristine paved paths, more Tetons to see…But it is time to move on and leave this winter playground.
We left in dense fog that gave way to sunshine as we gained elevation. We took the Wyoming Centennial Scenic Byway over the Snake River and then south at Hoback and then along the Hoback River.

There were 8 miles of avalanche warnings. There were steep bluffs on each side of the road.

At last, we arrived in the high plains; open and filled with sagebrush. There were horse and cattle ranches. We also saw llamas and donkeys.

Our breakfast spot.

A wildlife crossing bridge. I hope that the animals know to use it!

We saw grazing antelopes and always more mountains.

We arrived in the town of Pinedale at 10am. I had just read a flashing highway sign saying that Main Street was going to be closed at 10am for a parade. We were the first in line behind the sheriff’s car and we got to watch the whole parade through the RV windshield. Our timing was perfect! It was the Pinedale Wranglers Homecoming Parade. The children marched first, small kids and then middle school kids, and then high school kids.

The cheerleaders performed.

The football players had their own float.

When the parade was over, we got to follow the firetruck and the sheriff’s car. Tim was honking the airhorn and people were waving and cheering for us as we slowly passed by. We never know what we are going to run into! It was great fun! We were delighted by this diversion. I am not sure about the long line of traffic behind us…

We continued on to Rock Springs where we stopped for a large Walmart run.
We took 191S or the Green River Basin Scenic Byway and the scenery began to change. There were large rolling hills and different vegetation.

We rode along Flaming Gorge. This was a beautiful ride.

There was a section of highway with 9% downhill grade.

Welcome to Utah…Life Elevated! More change in scenery as red rocks began to make an appearance.

We planned to stay at Mustang Ridge, a national forest campground on the Flaming Gorge Reservoir. We arrived and there was a closed sign…this despite the fact that the website said sites were available first come first serve. I knew that there was a private campground a couple of miles down the road and that is where we ended up. This evening, we wandered down to the station for dinner. Authentic Mexican food; my barbacoa quesadilla was delicious!
Moving further south tomorrow!