Tetons In The Clouds

1137 September 18, 2024 Tetons In The Clouds

Last evening it was chilly and rainy.  We had decided that we were just going to have eggs for dinner but then at 5pm, we decided that we needed to get out of the house!

We went to Bullwinkle’s, a moose themed restaurant with decent food.  I tried a huckleberry margarita which was pink and potent.  Tim had a brown ale called Moose Drool. 

After dinner, we walked in and out of a few shops.  

We took a dirt forest service road for a few miles but it was drizzling and muddy and we just saw lots of trees!

It rained most of the night and into this morning.  It was 39 degrees and raw and windy and I did not walk.  We got a notification that Route 212 to the East Entrance was closed because of winter weather as was the Beartooth Highway.  It is definitely time to head south!

We drove the RV through the Yellowstone West Entrance.  We saw a young elk by the roadside.

We saw a few bison and we also saw a coyote.

We had one last look at the geysers of Yellowstone.


We traveled past Old Faithful and toward the South Entrance. This was a portion of the park we had not yet seen.  This road closes from November until May.  We had a few glints of sunshine and blue sky but it was short-lived.

Lewis Lake was rough and blustery.  We could see snow in the higher elevations.

To the east was the Lewis River deep in the bottom of a gorge.  The views looked beautiful but there was nowhere for us to pull over and look.

We arrived at Grand Teton National Park.  There was no improvement in the weather conditions as we went.  We had steady rain.  There were thick clouds hanging on the mountaintops.  In addition, there were drifting and fast-moving clouds further obscuring the view.  The Tetons were elusive.  We would catch a glimpse and a moment later, the mountains were once again hidden.  It was such a tease.  We absolutely knew that there were tremendous mountains there!

We stopped for lunch but it was not a picnic kind of day.

We did see a low rainbow at the base of the mountain range.

The ride to Jackson.

We arrived at The Virginian Lodge and RV Park before noon.  We took naps and then drove out to the Whole Foods store for some groceries.  We explored the town a little bit.

We spent the rest of the day catching up on life and doing laundry.

After dinner, we took the Jeep into the town of Jackson or Jackson Hole…same place! We wandered and browsed.

We walked to Snake River Brew Pub. This place is owned by Ted, the son of a nurse that I used to work with at Johns Hopkins. Ted wasn’t there. We did enjoy the atmosphere and the drinks. It was a shame that we had already eaten because the food looked fabulous!

Jeeps around town!


I am so grateful that we are here for two nights.  We have another chance to see the Tetons tomorrow.  The forecast is for 64 degrees and sunny…we shall see…

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