Hazy Tetons

1128 September 6, 2024 Hazy Tetons

I had another great walk through town on this chilly morning.

Tim felt great when he got up today but sometime during the course of his workout, his back seized up.  He tried to loosen it.  He used Voltarin and ice.  He took ibuprofen…but he was still hurting.  I mentioned that I had seen a PT office in town.  He drove there but they are closed on Friday.  He got back to the RV and I had found the Neck and Back Center just ½ mile away.  He drove there and the chiropractor was able to see him.  He came back moving a little better but still hurting.

We planned to take another drive but we weren’t sure we should.  Finally, Tim decided he could hurt here or he could hurt in the car and away we went.  Tim normally does 99% of the driving.  Today, I was the driver.  We took Route 20 south into Idaho and toward the Tetons.  Tim likes to look at maps.  He found a gravel road that looked like it led to the Tetons from the western side.  We had high expectations for this adventure. 

We left Route 20 and drove onto Ashton-Flagg Ranch Road.  The road took us through lots of large commercial farms.  There were lots of hay bales in large stacks. 

We continued along national forest service roads. 

Up on the ridge, we had our first views of the Tetons.  It was really hazy so all we could see were the jagged shadows.

We kept driving deeper into the forest, hoping to find a place at a higher elevation and with less haze. 

There were pretty meadows and streams and lots of trees. 

We never did find what we were looking for and we turned back.

We stopped for a snack by a large meadow.  Tim sat under a tree.

He drove for awhile until we reached pavement again and then I drove us back to West Yellowstone.

This afternoon, we did all kinds of chores and cleaning to get ready to move.  Tomorrow we will drive back through Yellowstone National Park and east to Cody.  We will do lots more exploring from there.

1 thought on “Hazy Tetons

  1. I agree with Tim, you may as well enjoy something if you’re going to hurt any way. Love you both. Hope he feels better.💞

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