Time In Atlanta

1111 July 26, 2024 – August 18, 2024 Time In Atlanta

Our time in Atlanta is always special to us. The boys are getting so big. We have lots of fun making memories, and cookies, and meatballs and ziti and projects…the list goes on and on. We love to have sleepovers and read comics and build Legos.

Cool mushroom sighting while on a walk.

While we were in Atlanta, Baby Wade continued to grow and thrive. He loves peekaboo, he is a happy little man, and he was six months old.

We were all very excited. Kyle and Allison decided to spend their August vacation in Atlanta. They are also bringing Gigi!!! We had a lot to do to get ready!


Kyle and Allison drove all night and arrived early Saturday morning. They had lots of babysitters and were able to get good naps. The big boys were so happy to meet Baby Wade. They were very sweet and gentle with him and I think that it is fair to say that they were completely smitten with the sunny little guy. It was all about the baby giggles!

Auntie Dre was the baby whisperer and walked Wade to sleep many times. I know she loved those baby snuggles.

Uncle David had not lost his touch!!

We took Wade to the Georgia Aquarium. Unfortunately, Dre had to work and Oliver and Austin were in school. The baby was entranced by the fish!


The week passed too quickly. We had lots of good food and some adult beverages and David and Dre and Allison and Kyle had a night out as well.

On August 15th, we celebrated Oliver’s 8th birthday with a family party. As requested, Austin and I had made delicious sugar cookie gingerbread men dressed up as Transformers…quite the feat!

On Saturday morning, it was time for Allison and Kyle and Wade to return to Baltimore. We were all sad to see them go. We had so much fun together.

On Saturday afternoon, we had a big birthday party with neighbors and friends.

This time in Atlanta was extra special. It is not often that we are all able to be in one place. The kids really enjoyed their time. My heart is full!!!


Tomorrow, we will leave Atlanta and begin our adventure to Wyoming! We are torn…it is hard to go and leave family behind…but we have truly had the best year, bebopping back and forth to be with our children and grandchildren…creating beautiful memories and already looking forward to our next visits.

2 thoughts on “Time In Atlanta

  1. So much love in all your pictures. Wade is a miracle baby. All the grands are treasures. Looking forward to seeing your blogs and hopefully seeing you in AZ in November. 🌵❤️ Safe travels.

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