Traveling North

1103 May 27, 2024 Traveling North

We left Hatteras after our morning exercise.

We stopped at Morris Farms for more fresh corn and strawberries.  We had our breakfast there before traveling on.

As we approached Norfolk, it began to rain…hard.  Tim drove over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel.

We arrived at Kiptopeke in early afternoon.  The rain persisted.

Eventually, the skies cleared but there was still a chance of rain all evening.  We decided to go into Cape Charles to The Shanty for dinner.  The couple before us got the last table inside.  We could wait or we could sit at the bar inside or we could go out to the open-air bar.  We went outside to check out the space and we grabbed a high-top table.  We ordered cider and dark beer and our meals.  We had a beautiful view of the harbor.  We watched osprey feeding and saw the sky change.  We could see curtains of rain in the distance and flashes of lightning.  There was booming thunder.  It rained but we were sheltered.  I had a delicious softshell crab sandwich and Tim had fish tacos.  The food was great but the atmosphere and the view was outstanding!  We very much enjoyed our time. 

Cape Charles was sandwiched between two large thunderstorm cells. One was slightly north and one to the south. The Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel was closed to all traffic because of wind and severe weather.

The rain stopped and we decided to walk the Cape Carles pier.

The sun was beginning to go down.  We left town and drove to Kiptopeke and watched the sunset.

What a wonderful evening!