1102 May 26, 2024 Last Day In Hatteras
I walked from the campground to the ferry terminal. From there, I passed the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum.

I walked a boardwalk to the beach.

And then I walked back.
We took the Jeep and the bikes and drove to Hatteras Lighthouse. We cycled the park road and of course we took the path less traveled.

We climbed the dunes and had a great view of the beach…lots of people out and enjoying this beautiful day!

We found a shaded picnic table for lunch.
This afternoon, we had an extended quiet time.
We waited until dinnertime to go out on the beach. We packed all the things we needed to make omelets. I was wearing my new Jeeping shirt…Tim picked it out for me!

While I was cooking, Tim spotted a huge sea turtle in the waves near the shore. I saw the broad back and knew it was a turtle. I was hoping that it might climb out and lay eggs…maybe on another beach!
We sat watching the water until the sun began to go down. We drove to the end of the island and then got out to walk. The water was coming in and filling a small inlet. Wading birds and diving birds were all there for supper.

Tim took pictures of me taking pictures.

The setting sun changed the color of the sky…stunning.

What a gorgeous evening to be at the beach.
We drove to the gas station to put air in the Jeep tires.

This was our last day in the Outer Banks. I really have enjoyed this “vacation.” After the busyness of the past many months, I craved time in the sun, time outside, time appreciating nature. I absolutely and unequivocally love taking care of my family. It brings me joy. When I am with the boys and their families, I am all in. I give all of my energy to caring for the people I love. I consider it an honor that I be allowed to watch the little boys. This time away had allowed me to recharge. To do the things I love…beach time, reading, walking and spending time with Tim…just us! I feel relaxed and happy! I am so grateful.