1095 May 20, 2024 WINDY DAY 2

It took me a long time this morning to muster up the energy to go out and walk.  It was gloomy and cloudy and windy and I was not looking forward to being out there.  Once I got started, it was nearly as bad as I anticipated and I actually enjoyed it.

Puddles big enough for bird bathing!

The star jasmine smells so good as you pass by.

Meanwhile, Tim had already done his yoga and left for the gym.

I tried to meet Tim for morning coffee but the shop was jampacked.  We tried another place but it was closed on Mondays.  I just decided on another cup at the RV.

We took the Jeep out onto the beach.

The sand was really blowing again and we never got out of the car.

We saw lots of fishermen and we watched two people pull in small sharks.

We did some browsing and shopping in town.

I grilled chicken and made quinoa bowls for dinner.

This evening, we took our bikes into town and rode the backstreets and then out past the ferry terminal.

Tomorrow’s forecast is predicting better weather…we are ready!