Back To The Beach

1093 May 18, 2024 Back To The Beach

Last night the more than half moon was bright in the sky, the stars sparkling.  It was warm enough to leave the windows open as we slept.

Sometime very early this morning, the rain began.  By nine though, the rain had stopped.  I walked into town. 

I stopped at the bakery looking for good bread but it is too early in the season for bread making.  I walked along the harbor.

Then I walked to the lighthouse.  This lighthouse is also under construction.  Hurricane Dorian did a lot of damage to the structure and it was flooded with 18 inches of water.  The new renovation will raise the lighthouse 4 feet to protect it from future storms.

While I walked, Tim went to Angie’s Gym to lift weights. He was able to buy a seven day membership for the time that we are here.

Tim and I went to the small grocery for a few things.

We rode our bikes from Jerniman’s on the paved bike path, all the way , 3.5 miles, to the Ocracoke Campground. We got a face full of wind. We did a loop around the campground and then headed back, the wind gently pushing us.

This afternoon, we took the Jeep to the beach.  The forecast was for rain and clouds today and it was a pleasant surprise to catch some sun.  We watched dozens of fishing boats come in. 

It began to sprinkle and we gathered our belongings.  It was near high tide and the water was encroaching on the beach access road.

On our way back to the campground, we took all the access roads to the bayside, exploring.

We had lots of thunder before dinner and then more rain. I grilled our yellow squash and salmon between raindrops.

We took an after dinner walk to the post office to mail postcards. and as we got back the rain began yet again…forecast is for more rain! We did get to enjoy the best part of the day! How lucky are we?