
1092 May 17, 2024 Ocracoke

This morning, I took my walk along the gravel access road that led out to the beach.

Then walked the campground loop.  I saw this huge turtle.

I saw several rabbits.

This deer stood absolutely still as I walked by.

We traveled to the end of Hatteras and waited at the ferry terminal.

It was windy but the ferry was running and our passage was smooth.

We arrived in Ocracoke in the early afternoon and settled in for the week at Jerniman’s.

Our first priority was a trip to the seafood market where we got fresh tuna.

Later, we packed our dinner and drove out onto the beach.  We sat by the water, using the Jeep as wind protection. 

There were lots of people fishing.

We decided to drive to the visitor center in town where we found a picnic table.  I cooked the tuna and we ate another salad with the last of our gorgeous strawberries.

We walked along the marina.