Life Is Good

1090 May 15, 2024 Life Is Good

It rained all night. It was still very wet and misty as I set out on my morning walk. I stayed on the pavement, walking on the park road out to the highway.

Later in the morning, we took the Jeep and the bikes to the Wildlife Refuge. We biked to the end of the trail and back, a nice 10-mile ride.

Tim helped to guide this turtle across the road.

The air was fragrant with honeysuckle.

We passed potato fields and saw geese grazing in the crops.

We took the Jeep to the end of the park where we had a great view of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel.

We returned to the RV for lunch and rest.

We drove into town. We walked the boardwalk at the Cape Charles Natural Area.

The property abuts a concrete plant that is producing the pieces for the new bridge and tunnel.

Tim climbed over the rail and walked to the edge of the cliff above the beach and he saw this crab.

We took another boardwalk through a marsh. We saw a snake, lots of turtles, frogs, several huge bullfrogs, and a heron.

We drove to the beach and walked out to the water. It was very windy but we found a place mostly out of the wind and watched the water.

We went to the Irish Pub where Tim found a Guinness and I enjoyed a glass of wine.

On our way back tot he campground, we wandered through the Beach Market, a nice gourmet shop. We picked some salads for our dinner.

We went down to the Kiptopeke Beach to watch the sunset but the clouds were too dense.

We did have fun walking on the beach, watching the birds and the water. Tomorrow we will travel further south!