Cape Charles

1089 May 14, 2024 Cape Charles

I took my morning walk along the jetty and stood for a while scanning the water for dolphin. 

There were lots of fisherman out and I saw a guy pull in a skate.

These guys had a good day!

Horseshoe crabs are beginning to congregate on the shore. This guy was swimming in a puddle.

We left Delaware and traveled south to Cape Charles, Virginia.

We parked the RV down by the beach and got out to walk the pier and then along the water’s edge.

We took the bikes off and cycled into town.  We stopped at the Mason Avenue Bakery and had delicious sandwiches.

Just as we got back to the Jeep, the rain began.

We drove further south to Kiptopeke State Park and settled in for a two-night stay.

What a luxury to have some afternoon quiet time!

This evening, we packed our dinner and took it to the picnic area.  I cooked Omelets with spinach, goat cheese and bruschetta and we had a fresh cantaloupe with a crusty baguette from the bakery!

We wanted to walk but it was raining again and so we stood in the shelter at the hawk watch observation platform.  Kiptopeke State Park has observed and recorded more migrating hawks than any place in North America.  This is an important migration route for these magnificent birds. 

The rain subsided enough for us to walk the Baywatch Trail to the boardwalk down to the beach.

It was a good day.  We definitely miss our family but we realized today that we haven’t really paid attention to the sunsets or the moon in the sky.  It is nice to be outside and enjoying nature again.  It is what we love.  It is what we do.