Crane Point

1085 January 25, 2024 Crane Point

I walked to the old bridge this morning. These birds hopped along the railing moving along to keep pace with me.

After lunch, we drove to Crane Point.

We toured the natural history museum.

We walked the gravel path through the park.

We stopped at the fish pool and we both enjoyed a fish pedicure. An older man sat down next to me and he giggled as the fish nibbled as his feet.

Taking a break.

This boat came from Cuba.

The tortoises were out and active this afternoon.

We both sat in the shade and had key lime popsicles after our walk.

Tonight, after dinner, we walked down to the marina to see the last vestiges of color in the sky.

There was live country music, a duo called Homegrown, at the resort restaurant. We ordered drinks form the bar and sat in lounge chairs at the waterfront. It was a mild with no wind. The full moon played peek-a-boo with the passing clouds. The music was good and we had a pleasant evening.