Bahia Honda

1082 January 21-22, 2024 Bahia Honda

On Sunday it was very windy.  I did laps in the campground and finally quit after 2.5 miles of being battered by the wind.  It was really too windy to enjoy being outside.  We did venture out to the Farmers Market in Islamorada.  We didn’t find much but it was fun to browse the booths filled with food and crafts.  The remainder of the day was dedicated to playoff football.  I got some chores and paper stuff done.  It was a quiet day and truthfully not worth blogging about!

Today was also very windy.  We had sustained winds at 26 mph and gusts to 33.  It was 73 degrees with a feels like temperature of 74 due to humidity.   There was no wind chill in our weather report but we did hear that in Miami yesterday it was 73 with a wind chill factor that made it feel like 54 degrees…haha!

This morning, I walked to the old bridge from the campground in an effort to make the best of it.  I wore a hooded sweatshirt even though it was warm so that I could block out some of the wind.  I walked east, with a face full of wind.  The views were well worth the effort. 

On the way back, the wind literally pushed me along the walking path.

PopPop has all the best ideas.  I have this on good authority.  Oliver told me this!  We packed lunches and our bikes and drove about an hour west to Bahia Honda State Park.  This is one of our favorite places to spend time.  We walked all of the trails and we walked along the beach. 

We found a neat picnic site that was tucked in among the trees and protected from the elements.  We stayed there a long while watching the moody sky and the brilliant blue water.  I am my mother’s daughter.  I love to just sit and watch the ocean move. 

Frigatebird soaring on the wind currents.

Sea lavender.

Puncture vine.

We were going to bike to the other end of the park but it was just too gusty and so we drove the Jeep. We walked a short distance on the beach and then gave up and took the nature trail back to the parking lot.

It was a good and invigorating walk!

We got back to the RV at about 4pm after a great day at the beach!