Low Key in the Keys

1081 January 19-20, 2024 Low Key in the Keys

Happy Birthday Debbie!

On Friday, I just didn’t have the energy for much.  I did take an easy walk around the campground.  I did a bunch of paper/computer work.  I didn’t take a single picture and we didn’t leave the resort.  We took a walk along the water in the evening and that was the extent of the day.  Sometimes we just need a rest day!

This morning I woke up feeling much better.  I walked three miles and stripped the sheets and did three loads of laundry.  IT was warm and sunny but the forecast called for high winds.  Tim walked to the bridge and it was blowing out there.  He did think that if we biked to Long Key, we would only have a crosswind.  We decided to try.  We packed our bike bags and away we went!

The chairs we sat in the other day were available and so we sat by the edge of the bay, soaking in the sunshine and watching the water.  We saw fish jumping and an osprey hunting. 

When we got back, I drove to Islamorada to get some groceries.  When I got back, the Ravens game was on.  It was a tense first half but the team pulled it together and they got the win!  I know a lot of happy people!