Happy New Year!

1071 Happy New Year December 8, 2023 – January 3, 2024

We moved the RV into the Prime Storage facility in Snellville on Friday, December 8th. We were settled in at David and Dre’s and waiting for the boys when their school day ended. We were all so happy and excited to be together again!

The last four weeks have passed in a blur. We tried to cram as many adventures and memories into our time as we possibly could. Oliver asked each day: “What is our special for today?”

Baking Christmas cookies…three different batches on three different days.

Building a gingerbread village.

Andrea and I and her cousin from Argentina, Encarna, celebrated Ines’ birthday with a group of her friends.

Viewing the holiday lights at Atlanta Botanical Gardens. This year’s display was voted the best commercial light display in the U.S.

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve with Andrea’s family; calling Santa and leaving oatmeal for the reindeer. We rang bells and ran through the yard with sparklers.

Christmas morning.

12 grapes under the table for good luck on New Years Eve!

Tim assembled bookcases with the boys for their rooms.

We worked on some independence skills. The boys did some cleaning.

Austin cooked his own quesadillas and eggs for PopPop too.

The boys helped with laundry.

Austin cleaning up after an explosion of the Cheeto bag!

We hiked at Stone Mountain, went to the playground, and then had a picnic.

We hiked in the “stream woods” a couple of times.

We went to the movies to see Migration.

Movies at home too!

McKoy Park.

The playground at FAV.

Lots of Legos.

Lots of silliness.

Family time.

Lunches out.

A Lord of the Rings puppet show written and directed by Austin. I acted the characters of Gollum and Gandalf and Dre did Sam and Frodo.


Austin created this badge for me. It signifies that I am the very best person in the whole world…#1…such an amazing honor!

So many fun times and so many precious memories made. Oliver is trying to wrap his head around our crazy lifestyle. He called us explorers!

We celebrated in Atlanta this year. Kyle and Allison were in Maryland. Next Christmas will look very different. We are waiting for a new baby boy who will arrive in March…we cannot wait to meet him!

We hope that this finds you in good health. We wish you all a Happy New Year!!