
1067 December 3, 2023 Suwanee

It was foggy and misty and damp when I got outside.

This morning on my walk I passed a pond.  I saw movement and stopped to watch this animal in the water.  It swam and floated on its back and then flipped over and stayed suspended, its limbs hanging down.  He would put its snout out periodically to breathe.  I thought that it was an opossum but now looking at the pictures, I’m not sure.  It doesn’t look exactly like anything.  I don’t think it is a nutria…maybe a super huge rat?!?  It was more than a foot long.  It is kind of hard to tell what it is because it is wet.  It sure is ugly though!  Any ideas???

There were also turtles in the pond.

This afternoon, we drove to Chiefland for groceries.  While we were shopping, the heavens opened and it was pouring when we came out.

We had planned to drive around in the more western portion of the Lower Suwanee Wildlife Refuge.  We went in the rain. 

We drove to Weeks Landing right on the river.

We found a small community park with a picnic pavilion and we ate our lunch there.

We continued on to the town of Suwanee.  There are some ramshackle places intermingled with beautiful properties along a system of canals.

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We drove the hour back to the RV and spent the rest of the gloomy day indoors.