Around Town

1068 December 4, 2023 Around Town

Another walk down the peaceful country lane. I saw the wings and tailfeathers of a roseate spoonbill. I tried to get close enough to take a picture but I spooked him.

Today I started to pack and organize for our trip to Atlanta.

We took a break this afternoon and went into town for fresh water. We parked the Jeep and walked the town.

We walked the fishing pier.

We watched this group of pelicans and gulls hunting as they followed a school of fish.

A grackle.

A black mangrove tree.

We sat in a bench on the beach for a long while.

Each time we go into Cedar Key, I notice something I haven’t seen before.

I had hoped to do a little gift shopping but the store I really wanted to visit, closed early today.

Mr. Rogers, our RV repairman is supposed to get our part tomorrow. We are hopeful that it will arrive, be the right thing, and fix the problem. If so, we can be on our way on Wednesday morning!