1070 December 6, 2023 Georgia On My Mind
We got up early and got our exercise in before leaving Cedar Key at 9:15 this morning. We traveled north across rural Florida. Most people think of Florida as overdeveloped and commercialized. That is certainly true along much of the coast and of course, in Orlando. There is a lot of undeveloped land, farmland, and small town America in the middle of the state.
We were initially disappointed that we were not able to stay in the Outer Banks. What did happen, is that we saw places we had not seen before. This has been a very good trip and we are glad that we were forced to come up with a new plan.
Our journey today eventually led us to 75N and then we crossed into Georgia. The road was busy and inundated with tractor trailers. There were lots of RVs too but they were all heading south!
We decided to return to the Harvest Host site, Lane Southern Orchards. We liked shopping here last December and we wanted to get a few things for the holidays.

After shopping, we took a walk.

This will be our last blog post until January. We will be back on the road on the 4th or so. In the meantime, we send you warm wishes for happy holidays spent with your family and friends.