Rainy Day At Rodman

1060 November 26, 2023 Rainy Day At Rodman

When we got up this morning, it was raining.  IT was coming down in sheets, a real soaking rain.  It made me not want to go out for a walk.  I haven’t had a rest day on a long time.  I slept poorly last night and just di not have the energy to make myself go out and get wet. 

Tim did his yoga and stretching.  He took the umbrella and walked two miles.

I have a list of rainy-day tasks that I want to accomplish.  I decided to tackle that list today.  As a result, I have clean countertops.  I also sorted through a basket that had been accumulating all manner of things.  I did some organizing and some writing. 

Around noon, Tim wanted to go out for a ride.  This park is adjacent to Ocala National Forest.  There is a whole network of state forest roads for ATV’s and Jeeps.  We went to explore.   It was rainy and wet and foggy and lovely.

We saw lots of wildlife today.  We saw turtles.

We saw a bald eagle, a wild turkey, and lots of deer.

We saw a pair of hawks.

There was a small frog on our windshield; hitchhiking!

There are so many buzzards.

Sandhill cranes here for the winter.

We rested this afternoon and then I got back to my chores.  Tim took another wet walk.

When he returned, we took the Jeep and our dinner out to a pavilion in the other campground loop.  The rain had stopped.  We heard an owl hooting in the forest behind us.