1058 November 24, 2023 Lynch’s Landing
It was raining hard when we got up this morning. I got a late start I was finally able to get out and walk.

I took the paved park road to the bird exhibit. There were no birds around.

I walked to the beach and considered going back that way but I knew that I would have a longer walk if I turned around and went the way I came.

It was moving day again. We stopped at the Publix on Amelia Island to gather a few things. We saw Ruthie, Curtis’ granddaughter working at the register so we had to say hi!
We left the coast and traveled inland to the west. It was a 2-hour ride to Palatka. We had a lot of trouble finding a campground for tonight. We are at a small privately owned place right on the Saint John’s River.
I spent the afternoon doing ordinary chores.
We took a walk right as the sun was setting.

We were in the RV when we noticed this beautiful red sky!

THAT IS a really red sky! Just a gorgeous sunset!
God is a magnificent artist ! 💞