Skidaway Island State Park

1047 November 13, 2023 Skidaway Island State Park

I walked the commercial parking lots while Tim did his yoga and strength workouts.  We left Lumberton at about 8am. 

We shortly crossed into South Carolina and then a couple of hours later, we were in Georgia.  We did not expect to be so far south so quickly. 

We arrived at Skidaway State Park in early afternoon.  We rested and then we took our bikes and cycled through the park.  The trails are hardpacked sand, albeit with lots of live oak roots, and we rode through the woods. 

We biked to the overlook tower where we had expansive views of the tidal marsh along the Skidaway Narrows.

Cool neon orange fungus.

We saw no gators although they are known to live in the slough ponds here.  We saw no bobcats either.  Nor did we see dolphin in the river.  We did see lots of squirrels still hustling to horde acorns.

I was prepping dinner when Tim caught sight of this beautiful buck walking across the road and into our site.

We have another couple of days to explore here!