Quiet Skidaway

1048 November 14, 2023 Quiet Skidaway

What a peaceful place to take my morning walk!  I planned at walk the Sandpiper Trail.  There was a notice saying that a bridge was out on the trail but I figured I would walk as far as I could.  I didn’t get very far at all.  The trail was flooded!

I finished my walk on the paved roads in the campground.  I love the tall live oak trees dripping with Spanish moss and the low growing palmettos. 

We drove to the nearby Publix for fresh water.  We also bought mangoes, papaya, beets, figs, snap peas, and avocadoes.  As I out our groceries on the conveyor, I thought that we had purchased an unusual combination of foods!

At lunchtime, we packed our bike bags and rode the rough trail back out to the observation tower.  We enjoyed our picnic but because it was windy, we didn’t climb to the top.

Tiny crabs skittered in the sand beneath the raised boardwalk.

This is the remainder of a shell midden. Hundreds of years ago, this area was inhabited by Native American peoples. One of the main components of their diet was oysters. They discarded their shell into great piles or middens. These middens leach calcium into the ground. This allows plants to grow in the less acidic soil. Often, cedar trees will thrive near middens.

We biked the remainder of the Big Ferry Trail because we enjoyed it so much yesterday.

We rested for a while this afternoon and then took our bikes and rode from the campground and into the surrounding neighborhood.  This is a very ritzy area, with lovely large homes and beautiful churches. The bike path was marked with NO TRESSPASSING signs at several of the gated communities, forcing us to turn around.

It was cloudy and windy today.  Tomorrow’s forecast calls for a chance of rain.  We will see what the new day brings!