One Day Closer!

1036 September 9, 2023 One Day Closer!

It was a quiet and peaceful night.  We did hear an owl and the train came through at 10pm and midnight and before sunrise.  It didn’t bother us though and we slept.

I took a walk this morning through the town of Martin. 

The playground invoked many memories.  Tim would not get onto the carousel last night.  I remember riding on these when we were kids until we felt like throwing up.

The metal slide was so hot in the summer sun that it would burn the backs of your legs.

I walked to a farm field and could not identify this crop. It was rapeseed or canola.

I found a country road and walked awhile. 

There was a field of sunflowers that went on as far as the eye could see.  I tromped through the dewy grass to take pictures.  The petals were withered and the faces were bent and heavy with shining black seeds.

I met Cindy, the woman who I spoke to yesterday about our campsite.  We talked for a long time about small-town life.  Her nearest shopping is 100 miles from here.  Of more concern, advanced medical care is very far away.  There is a town several miles away that has several doctors.  She and her family can go there to be evaluated.  If it is something of grave concern, the helicopter is called.  She also talked about the wind and winter weather.  Several men in town have trucks and equipment and they keep the community roads clear.  Everyone is well stocked and prepared before the snow comes and blows and drifts in November. 

We took Route 52 south and east to Interstate 94.  We passed more miles of hayfields and corn fields and soybean crops.

I did a short stint in the driver’s seat.  94 is a good, straight road.  There was little traffic and few trucks and I thought this might be a good place for me to take a turn. 

We stopped at a rest stop for lunch.  There was a state trooper assisting a tow truck parked right in front of us.  Tim decided to take over.

We passed Sanford Medical Center.  This is the only Level One Trauma Center in North Dakota.  Coming from the east, we take for granted the amazing medical care that is available to us at home.

We went through Fargo and across the Minnesota line.  I was relieved not to be driving here.  There were areas of construction with only one lane open and the traffic was heavier near the city with lots of merging vehicles. 

It rained this afternoon.  We decided to stop before Minneapolis.  We traveled 400 miles today and we are one day closer to Atlanta!

I found a Harvest Host site in Monticello that accepted same day requests.  We pulled into the backlot for Nordic Brewpub.  We got settled and then went inside for dinner.  Tim had a good stout similar to Guiness and a southwest protein bowl.  I had a salad and wild mushroom flatbread with a pineapple cider.  We chatted with another man at the bar and we enjoyed our meal.

I am looking forward to walking in this small town in the morning.

Thanks to all the farmers!