Home Sweet Home

1034 September 7, 2023 Home Sweet Home

We were awake before 6am and on our way by 7.  We stopped for diesel fuel and coffee as soon as we passed the outskirts of the city.  It was cloudy and smoky and raining on and off.

There were geese flying overhead in vee formation; traveling south like us!  In fact, there were geese or ducks in almost every pond.

As we passed Elk Island National Park, we could see wood bison to the south and plains bison to the north.

We took the Yellowhead Trail or the Trans Canada Highway, Route 16, south and east.  We crossed from the Alberta Province into Saskatchewan.  We knew that this portion of Canada was plains.  We could see 360 degrees at the horizon for most of the day.  The road was wide and good and Tim was able to set the cruise control for 110kmph and just go.

The roadside was flanked by hundreds of miles of hayfields and wheat fields.  We believe that this must be Canada’s breadbasket.  There were threshers and harvesters out in force as soon as the sun was out.  We passed granaries and train cars loaded with grain and tall silos filled with grain. 

Our way was dotted by small and bigger towns.  There are not too many RV’s travelling this way.  As we approached Saskatoon, we crossed over the Saskatchewan River several times. 

In the city, we dropped down to head south on 11. 

We settled for the night in Moose Jaw at a Walmart. We needed to stock the RV with food and supplies.

I spent the evening getting things reorganized and unpacked after our extended hotel stay.  I have everything back where I want it and it feels really good to be home and driving and moving closer to Atlanta.  Tim drove almost 500 miles today and I think he was happy to be moving too!