
1032 September 5, 2023 Marooned

At 2:19am the fire alarm began to screech. We dressed quickly and walked down the five flights of stairs to the parking lot. Three firetrucks arrived and the firemen in full gear entered the hotel. There was no fire, rather a belt on the furnace was worn and smoking and that set off the alarm. The foremen worked to reset the alarm and we were all able to return to our rooms.

This morning, I walked again in the industrial area. I saw a bit of green space and saw these beautiful mushrooms.

We planned to go to the Royal Alberta Museum today. It has been recommended and has high ratings. It was damp and chilly and a good day to do something indoors. We put it in GPS and we saw “Closed Today” when it loaded directions…there went our whole plan for the day.

We went to get a few groceries. The hotel fridge is really small so we get a little at a time. It gives us something to do!

Afterward, we drove in the neighborhoods of Saint Albert. It looks like a really nice community. The leaves are beginning to change here.

We had a really quiet day. We went to the hotel restaurant again this evening. We were hoping to get some news today from the service center but nothing yet…hopefully tomorrow!