Edmonton Mall Over The Top

1031 September 4, 2023 Edmonton Mall Over The Top

It was cloudy and chilly this morning.  I got dressed and ready to walk and when I went out, it was spitting cold rain.  I went back into the hotel and decided that I would use the hotel laundry.  The machines were empty.  I went to the room and collected everything I needed and when I went back down, the machines were full.  I sat in the lobby and talked to Mom. 

I went back to the room for the Jeep key and I found a nearby laundromat where I was able to get the job done.

When I returned, the rain had stopped and I walked in the industrial park.

When you look on Trip Advisor for the top things to do in Edmonton, West Edmonton Mall comes up first.  Several people have told us that we must see this mall.  Eddie and Chris told us to skip it!  They gave us lots of recommendations for Abraham Lake and Jasper and Banff.  Today the weather was dismal.  We drove to the mall.

This place is the largest mall and entertainment center in the world.  There are over 800 stores.  In addition, there is a roller coaster, a carousel, , a casino, a hotel, a mini golf course, a marine life aquarium, and a Toyota dealership.  There are high end stores including Tiffany’s, Gucci, Coach, and Rolex. The Gucci store had a velvet rope across the entrance and a bouncer to allow customers to come in.

Today was a holiday and there were great crowds of people.  It was really noisy.

There was a running train for children.

There was a 2pm sea lion show.

There was a water park.

There was a full-service Asian grocery store.

There was also an ice-skating rink with its own Zamboni.

There was an amazing LEGO store.

Tim bought tart cherry juice at the health food store.  I found a new silicone spatula in a knife store.  We really were not there to shop.  We were there to gawk and to see the spectacle.  The opulence is comparable to Vegas.  It was totally over the top.

We rode in the elevator today with a pair of teenaged girls.  They greeted us and asked if we were evacuees.  They are from Hay River a 12-hour drive north from Edmonton.  They are here because their home and their community are at imminent risk because of wildfires.  I told the girls that I would keep them in my thoughts and I have.  I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to pack a bag and leave your things behind, not knowing what you might find when you return.  Perspective.  It reminds us that our troubles are small in comparison. 

We had dinner in the hotel restaurant.  We will see what we come up with to stay occupied tomorrow.