
1021 August 24, 2023 Valleyview

We spent the night in the NAPA parking lot without incident.  At 7am Tim purchased DEF and windshield wiper fluid and filled the reservoirs.  We stopped at a local coffee shop and then we were on our way.

On the east side of Fort Nelson, there was a large industrial area with oil refineries.  There were lots of Conoco Philips sites and camps for petroleum workers.

The commercial area gave way to forest.  After yesterday’s safari-like ride, today was much less entertaining.  The ride was very consistent with straight, wide, and decent rolling road with trees lined alongside.  There were pockets of smoke that became thicker and more pervasive as we traveled and the smell of smoke was strong.

I really don’t like it when we have to follow a logging truck.  It gives me the heebee jeebies.   This guy was loaded with three long trailers filled with long and heavy logs.  It took a long time before we could safely pass him.

These are the last vestiges of the fireweed plants.  They produce a cotton like fuzz that are actually the burst seed pods.  The seeds have been released in the wind to bloom another day.

We passed Fort Saint John and Inland Truck and Equipment.  The engine light is still off and we are moving well.  So, we called to cancel our appointment for tomorrow and on we went. 

We drove over the Peace River.

We passed a lot of farm country this afternoon. 

We passed Dawson Creek and the end of the Alaska Highway.

We left British Columbia and entered Alberta, gaining another hour in the process.

Yesterday Tim drove 420 miles and today he did 435 miles before stopping in the small town of Valleyview.  It was dinnertime when we arrived at the Municipal Park.  We have water and electric and it was $30.00 CAD or $22.00 US dollars. 

Every mile brings us closer to home!