Still Discovering Whitehorse

1017 August 20, 2023 Still Discovering Whitehorse

I drove to town and walked the river path.  I am still finding new things to enjoy.

I love these trashcans decorated by local students.

This afternoon, we took the bikes into Whitehorse.  We took the Millenium Trail across a footbridge and into Bert Law Park.  The path was narrow and muddy in places so we pushed our bikes.  This was a pretty little island in the Yukon River.  Migrating birds will stop on their way south to feed on the multitude of berries that thrive here.

We took the Centennial Bridge across the river. 

There was a person in a tiny kayak practicing maneuvers in the rapids.  She was fun to watch.

We cycled along the river and then into downtown. 

We checked the progress at the Hyatt site.  The rodbusters have been here again, laying more rebar.

We stopped to get some blackberries at a nice produce market.

We spotted an eagle. I’m not certain if this is a juvenile bald eagle or a golden eagle.

We biked about 6 miles.  Neither of us was good about keeping track of our mileage.  It doesn’t really matter!  It was a great day to be outside and moving.

This evening, we took our dinner back to the river.