Hidden Lakes Hiking Trail

1016 August 19, 2023 Hidden Lakes Hiking Trail

I took just a short walk around the campground this morning.  I was saving my legs for the hike we planned later in the day. 

We started at Long Lake.  It was pretty there but we couldn’t find the trailhead.

We went back to Hidden Lakes.  It was so chilly and wet the other day that we didn’t hike here.  Today was a perfect day to be outside.  The sky was blue and the sunshine was warm.  This was a nice hike.  Lots of hills up and down around the lakes. 

Slogging it up a long hill.

We found a bench where we sat and enjoyed the view.

We saw a kayaker.  The water was calm and it was a nice day to be on the water.

We could hear the loons calling.  Soon, it will be time for them to leave.

Evidence of beaver activity.

We hiked a little more than 3 miles.

We went back into town to do a couple of errands.

The rest of the day was spent quietly…still no word on when we can expect the parts for the RV.  They apparently left Fort Saint John on Wednesday.  Everything takes longer here.